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Three years have passed since Heeseung's graduation.

Enhypen debuted and they became famous, locally and internationally. Mingyue couldn't be more proud of her boyfriend, although she did have to hide the fact that they were dating now.

She went on to become an artist, she embraced drawing and illustrating, marketing designs... anything that she could accomplish with creative freedom.

"Hey guys," Mingyue said, she and Haneul had brought them food so they could eat during the break between their back to back dance practices.

"You are literally a life saver!" Ni-ki said, running over to the girls.

"Where's Kangdae?" Sunghoon asked.

"He got distracted by the vending machine," Haneul said, "he'll eventually figure out where the practice room is... hopefully."

"Hey, I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk much with you." Heeseung said to his girlfriend.

"That's alright, I know how busy your schedule can be."

"Let me make it up to you," He said. He grabbed a hat and a mask for himself and Mingyue before intertwining their hands to lead her to his car.

The music filled the short car ride, both of them were singing and laughing. He had to admit that Mingyue wasn't a bad singer.

The car stopped in front of this little cozy house.

"Do you like it?" Heeseung asked.

"What do you mean? It's very pretty?"

He chuckled, "I mean, this is the surprise. I've asked my manager if I could live outside the dorm and he agreed. This is only ten minutes away from the company and like five minutes away from the dorms..."

Mingyue's smile widened, "Wait so I'm allowed to visit here?"

"Mingyue, I'm asking if you wanted to live with me," Heeseung told the girl.


Heeseung nodded his head, laughing at his girlfriend's cuteness. "Do you want to see the inside?"

The walls were decorated with her past artwork that she always gave to him and the furniture was all neutral colors so they could make it their own. Beige, white, and black-accents covered the little home. The dark wood flooring contrasted nicely with the overpowering light colors of the walls.

Heeseung let Mingyue explore the house while he followed behind her. She went from the kitchen and dinning room to the living room and eventually made her way the stairs to the bedroom.

She smiled as she saw the beautiful view. Heeseung came up behind her, giving her a back hug. She instantly leaned into his touch.

"This is amazing... it feels so surreal." She whispered. He just held her tighter, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.

"That's not it, you missed a very important room. Follow me," He led her back downstairs and she had completely missed the barn door. He opened it up, there it revealed a cozy art studio. Everything she could ever need was supplied there: paints, canvases, brushes, pencils, etc. They were all organized neatly into drawers.

"Are you sure I'm able to stay here?" Mingyue asked Heeseung.

"Yeah– I specifically asked too so there would be no misunderstanding. Do you want to go get your bags? I have three free days starting tomorrow, so we can unpack if we want."

They went back to Haewon and Hajoon's house because that's where Mingyue had been staying for the remainder of high school. Once everything was packed there, they went to Enhypen's dorm.

Mingyue had to get a special pass from their manager to enter the dorm and help Heeseung. She put her mask and hat back on just in case someone were to take a picture.

"I can't believe you're moving out~" Ni-ki whined.

Mingyue chuckled at his reaction, "Yah, Mingyue is the one who's stealing him." Sunghoon starts pointing.

She raised her hands in defense, "That's my bad–"

"I thought you said you'd help me?" Heeseung asked his girlfriend jokingly.

"I am, I've giving emotional support~"

"Can we come over at some point?" Sunoo asked.

"Of course Sunshine, after we unpack, we should have dinner there." Mingyue said.

The boys smiled at the thought of that and agreed.

Mingyue grabbed a few of Heeseung's lighter bags, and he grabbed his heavier suitcases. They bid their goodbyes before leaving.

"Let's watch a TV show as we're unpacking?" Mingyue suggested, pulling out her laptop.

Heeseung hummed in agreement as he organized his shirts on hangers. Their walk in closet was huge so there was defiantly no shortage of space.

"What did you want for dinner? It's getting late." Heeseung asked.

"It's up to you, I'm fine with anything," She told him.

In the course of an hour, they were able to unpack their clothes. Now they needed to organize everything else.  Heeseung had ordered pizza and Mingyue went to organize their things. It was mainly books, blankets and stuffed animals along with other things that she had to find a place for.

When the pizza came, Mingyue finally took a break. The two ate at the kitchen table, their show played in the background.

"I could get used to this." Heeseung said. His eyes were sparkling with love as he looked at Mingyue.

"Yeah, I could too." She spoke softly.

For that night, the two lived in their own little bubble. This was far away from anything that distanced them for the past years. Even with Heeseung's fame and the dating in secrecy, love was able to prevail with these two.

A force of love pushed them together, whether that be now or centuries ago, they had been fated for each other since day one.

Any obstical that was thrown their way, Heeseung and Mingyue were able to defeat it; from death to crazed fans, their love still shined bright.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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