The Drawing

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A month earlier...

Haneul was making sure that Mingyue didn't leave anything behind. While she was looking she came across the drawing.

Of Heeseung.

"Woah, I didn't know that she could draw...." she whispered to herself. She saw the intricate details of Heeseung, but something about it didn't seem like him at all.

"What are you doing?" Kangdae asked, walking into the room, "what's that?"

Haneul tried her best to hide the drawing. She knew that she wasn't supposed to find it, nor anyone else for that matter. He grabbed the paper from his sisters hand, his eyes widened, but not because of the artistic value.

"Holy shit, do you have a crush on Heeseung?"

"No." She hissed. "This isn't mine."

"Makes sense. You can't draw for shit."

Haneul slapped her brothers arm, taking the drawing back. "Don't tell anyone you've seen this. Understand?"

He rolled his eyes, leaving the room. She took it back to her room to keep it safe from everyone.

And it was... for a while.

"What's this?" Sunoo asked.


"I know this isn't yours. No offense..." Sunoo knew Haneul's deepest secret. She hadn't even told Kangdae yet. That's why he knew that she didn't have a crush on Heeseung; he wasn't a she. "Is this Mingyue's?"


"I'm so sorry, things happen for a reason... remember that, Hannie."

"Why couldn't she like me back?" Her voice broke as she cried in Sunoo's arms. She couldn't help developing a little crush on her best friend, it just happened.

"Let it all out, I'm here." Sunoo brushed his fingers through her hair, trying his best to comfort her. He hummed little songs until she fell asleep, tears stained on her face.

Sunoo felt bad for Haneul, but they both knew that Mingyue didn't love Haneul more than a best friend. It still pained him to see her so crushed.

He tucked her into bed before he went downstairs to join everyone. Enhypen had basically made Kangdae's house their hang-out place.

"Where were you?" Ni-ki raised his eyebrow suggestively.

"I was with Hannie– not like that." Sunoo said.

"Where is she? You guys usually come down together after your daily gossip session." Kangdae asked.

"Her crush kind of rejected her."

"Who's her crush? I'll go talk some sense into him."

"It's alright, Haneul is accepting it."

"But we could defiantly help!" Jake said, "We could befriend the dude and talk Haneul up."

The boys kept discussing how they would get the boy to like Haneul even though Sunoo tried stopping them. They wouldn't listen to his pleas, he regretted saying anything. He should've lied and said it was his crush instead or something.

"Who is the special guy?"

"I don't know? She only told me that she was indirectly rejected."

For the following weeks, Haneul had looked towards Mingyue. Mingyue had been studying excessively since she began getting bullied. It was really her escape from the harsh comments.

Her nose was always stuck in a book, she didn't have to deal with people if she used the book as a shield from society.

Her beauty never seized to amaze. Two people admired from afar; Heeseung and Haneul saw the grace that Mingyue had, she was truly amazing inside and out in their eyes.

But that's all they could do, they could only watch longingly. Heeseung had just gone through a break up and Haneul knew that her best friend wouldn't like her in that way. But that didn't stop their eyes from looking.

"Do you like her?" Sunghoon asked.

"What are you talking about," Heeseung laughed off his question.

"I'm talking about how you keep looking over at her. Perhaps you're waiting for her to look towards you so your eyes can speak what your mouth can't."

"I don't like her like that. Plus, Jangmi and I just broke up."

"That doesn't mean anything." Jay chimed in, "you can still like her if you got out of a relationship. All you have to do is make sure that you aren't using her as a rebound."

"I wouldn't do that to Mingyue."

"So you're saying that you would want a real relationship with Mingyue?" Jungwon asked. Heeseung's eyes went wide with the accusation.

"I never said that."

"If it makes you feel better, I think Mingyue likes you too." Kangdae said. Everyone in the group looked at him, "What? I saw a drawing of you in her old room. Unless it was Haneul that drew it, but she's not good at drawing."

"Maybe you do have a chance," Ni-ki said mindlessly. "I'm curious now, I want to see the picture."

"I think that she may have thrown it away. She said not to tell anyone, so it definatly has to be between Haneul or Mingyue that drew you, Heeseung."

She grabbed another piece of paper, her mind zoned out, but her hand had it's own plan. She hadn't even realized that she drew a family picture of her, Jingjing and Mingsheng. It was like her eyes had glossed over in memory from her past.

"Wah that looks so good!" Sunoo exclaimed, looking over her shoulder, "is that you and your parents?"

"Yeah, it looks like it."

Her new found talent scared her, she never drew before, but she's suddenly really good? Nothing was making sense.

"Do you like Heeseung?" He cautiously asked.

"No? Why?"

"No reason, it was just a random question. Anyways, have you seen that Jangmi fell down the stairs? Was it bad that I found it funny?"

Mingyue chuckled at such a drastic change in conversation, "I don't think it's bad that you found it funny, but is she alright?"

"Yeah, she just went to the nurse. She was so over dramatic about it too, she acted like she couldn't walk and needed someone to carry her there. It was funny when she tried turning to Sunghoon and he just turned his back and walked away."

She couldn't help but shake her head in amusement. Did karma come in the form of Sunghoon today? Perhaps.

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