Arbitrary Perspective of Marriages

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All of the princes and princesses thought that it was admirable that she worked her whole life, but they also found it sad that she never got an actual childhood. Well, all except for Ayame. The eldest Nishimura child was quite jealous from all the attention Mingyue was receiving.

It was Ayame that used to be the prettiest gem in the group. Haneul was chubby and Aki was far too young to be the prettiest girl. Her crushes were constantly changing from boy to boy in that group. Haneul could tell that she liked someone, but she thought that Ayame was a wild card. There was no telling what the girl would do.

As for majority of the group, they wanted her to live through a childhood. Maybe they could recreate their childhood play dates, they didn't really plan that far out yet.

"Mingyue, how did your mother seduce Uncle Yoobin?" Ayame asked.

"Pardon?" The girl hoped that she had heard wrong, but when the question was repeated it was the same. "My mother did no such thing."

"Don't get all defensive now. It's just a question."

"I think that Mingyue should marry one of their sons," Jingjing said.

"I don't think that I can ask that of them. What if they need the marriage for allies?"

"We are their allies Yoobin. Just think about it?" The king nodded at the suggestion. He really didn't know how to say no to Jingjing.

Little did the couple know that Heeseung was right outside the door, listening to them. He was sent there to give Yoobin a few documents, but it seemed like fate had another plan.

Why would they be planning to marry Mingyue off if Haneul is still an option? He couldn't shake the odd feeling that sprouted in his chest.

He ranked his memory to find something odd about Jingjing, he didn't know whom but it was her that made him feel anxious.

The yelling, the two slaps, the red handprint.

He remembered the same odd feeling when Mingyue was pulled into the empty room with her mother. He just thought that she misbehaved, but even then, it's still extreme. But one thing that was definite in his mind was that Mingyue was in trouble.

He walked back to the study, where everyone was hanging out, but over half the group had left. The only remaining were Jake, Jay, Sunghoon and Kangdae.

"Where did everyone else go?"

"Mingyue, Sunoo, Ni-ki, Aki, and Haneul went to the kitchen to bake. Ayame was frustrated with something, so she sort of stormed out." Jay told him.

"Why? You seem stressed?" Sunghoon asked. Heeseung had a crinkle in his brow that gave away his anxious standpoint.

Heeseung looked at the doors, locking them. His eyes roamed cautiously towards Kangdae, "Do you think that the Queen Jingjing is odd?"

"She seems like she's been through stuff, but I don't think we've been around her enough to give her a judge of character." Kangdae spoke slowly and carefully.

"But you seem to know something that we don't... spill Heeseung." Sunghoon smirked.

"Jingjing wants to marry Mingyue off to one of us. She barely knows us, I bet she doesn't even know what kingdoms our families rule. I guess I don't understand why Jingjing is rushing Mingyue into something..."

"Where did you hear that?"

"I was going to give Uncle Yoobin these documents. And I accidentally overheard."

"Do we know who yet?"

"No, only that she wants it to be one of us."

The doors to the study were trying to be opened, it was forceful– urgent almost. The five panicked boys cautiously opened the door. They would never admit it, but they were scared of the power that the new queen wielded.

"Took you dipshits long enough." Haneul barged in. "We made a few things, they're down in the kitchen. I thought they were really good and if you wanted some, you should get it now."

The boys went from stressed to relieved. "Okay, thank you for not eating everything–"

Kangdae why cut off by a playful slap by his sister before leading the way to the kitchen. Even from down the halls the euphoric scent from the kitchen could be smelled. "Oh! By the way, what was the whole thing with the study? Why were the doors locked? And why did you guys look scared?"

Kangdae put his hand over his sisters mouth, no one could hear about the discussion held in the study.

"Don't worry about sis, we can handle it."

Although Haneul hated that he avoided the question, she could tell that it was a serious matter. So for the time being, she dropped the topic, mentally noting if for later.

"Mingyue, have you thought about marriage?" Aki asked, taking a bite of her cookie.

The girl coughed at this sudden question. She thought it was weird how Aki was asking it, but she didn't think too much of it. "I have not, I mean I really don't like the idea of being tied to a man. Plus I've never even had a first love, I'm not sure why I would jump to marriage."

Suddenly the doors of the kitchen bursted open revealing the other six.

"Someone's just using us for the food." Sunoo stated, rolling his eyes at the new arrivals.

"Someone's a little sassafras today~" Sunghoon commented.

"Sorry it seemed like we interrupted a conversation," Heeseung apologized.

"It wasn't important. Mingyue was just saying how marriage isn't for her." Aki shrugged.

"Aish Aki that's not what she said. What Mingyue said was that she didn't want to be married right now. She likes her freedom and doesn't want that to be taken away by a husband." Ni-Ki corrected.

"Marriage is such a–"

"Marriage is such a what? Enlighten me." Ayame cut off Mingyue.

"I was going to say that it's an arbitrary belief because it strips a woman from all their freedom." Mingyue spoke with such conviction that the five boys knew that they needed to protect her from this destiny her mother was trying to force upon her.

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