A New Day, A New Mingyue

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The next day took everyone by shock. The icy princess, had returned for a brief moment. She ventured out of her room with an approachable aura. Although no one dared ruin her mood by talking to her.

Today was perhaps the first day she was seeing everything with fresh eyes. She saw how the servants coward away from her if she looked in their direction and how they would purposefully avoid her, but she really shouldn't expect anything different because of how she's acted for the past years.

"Good morning bride-to-be," Mingyue said to Haneul.

The sister's smile widened, practically jumping into Mingyue's arms. "Mingyue!"

The attention was now focused on the two. No one had seen Mingyue being social and polite at the same time. Everyone was watching in suspense for what would happen next.

"Haneul, look at you all grown up," her sister pinched Haneul's cheeks.

"Mingyue?" Little Aki asked quietly.

"Aki, it's been a while, look at how big you've gotten~ twelve right?"

The little girl nodded happily, "Will you go star gazing with us later?"

Mingyue looked over at Heeseung, he nodded happily at her new behavior. "I would love to–"

"Are we all just going to ignore how shitty Mingyue has been to us for the past couple years?" Ayame rolled her eyes.

"For that, I am sorry." Mingyue apologized. She truly had no intention of hurting them, she didn't think that she would because she had known them for only a month. But for that month she had wormed her way into their hearts.

"I think this calls for mint choco ice cream!" Sunoo cheered.

"Ewww mint choco ice cream~"

"Mint choco is the best." Sunoo and Mingyue say at the same time. Their defensive tone made everyone laugh. Mingyue felt complete hearing the laughter that had been gone from her life. Her eyes observed their smiles, the way some of their eyes crinkled as they laughed.

Ruining the mood, Jingjing walked into the room, wanting to see what was so funny. Since Mingyue had been gone, barely any laughter had been heard in the castle. She really was their light in the darkness.

When Jingjing walked into the room, Mingyue was quick to leave. She could only handle so much in one day, and her mother was really crossing the limit for her.

Jingjing could only watch as her daughter walked by, seeing those amber eyes burned an even stronger hatred in the mother. She wanted to get rid of her daughter, she wished long ago that she had died in the storm.

"Hajoon and Haewon, please consider this."

"I'm sorry Yoobin, but we have already arranged a marriage for Heeseung." Haewon said, "The girl is lovely and she clearly doesn't isolate herself when things get hard."

"Please–" Yoobin stopped himself, looking around wearily. He shut the doors to his office, before continuing, "Jingjing really wants Mingyue to marry, I'm not sure why it's urgent, but it is."

"Yoobin, this is not something to be taken lightly. This is the future of my kingdom. We will think about it, but don't hold your breath. As Haewon said, we already have someone who is a safe option." Hajoon said sternly, leaving the office with his wife.

Yoobin knew there was no way to get through to the Lee's so he had to focus on the next family. The Park's had two sons, so it wouldn't be as detrimental to ask, but it could lead to a huge outburst. He sighed, rubbing his temples trying to think of a way to propose this idea.

"Mingyue, are you alright?" Jungwon asked. He saw the girl stumbling in the corridor. "Are you drunk?"

"No, I haven't had a sip of alcohol. I'm just not feeling too well."

Jungwon grabbed her arm to stable her, the back of his hand made it's way to her forehead. She had a normal temperature, she indeed did not smell like alcohol nor did she have a flushed face to show for it. "That's odd. I'll help you to the infirmary."

"Thank you, Jungwon, but I don't think that will be necessary."

The walls were spinning, she felt like she was being shaken in a box, her vision blurred and she really couldn't move without falling over. It was her pride that kept her from taking the help.

"Mingyue, I insist. Plus I don't want you to fall down the stairs or something."

This time Mingyue agreed and the two slowly made their way to the infirmary. Her unsteady strides were supported by Jungwon the whole way, although her vision never cleared up. How strange that when she finally opens up again, something went horribly astray.

"Sir, could you help?"

The boy handed her off to be in the physicians care. The man was a bit odd, but wasn't everyone. Mingyue was sat down in a cot to be observed. The man found nothing out of the ordinary, Jungwon was right when he said that she didn't appear to be sick or drunk.

He kept feeling her pulse, trying to find something that would lead him to an answer. His cold hands brought an anxious feeling to Mingyue every time he touched her.

"Sir, have you found out what's wrong?"

"Not yet Your Highness. But I do have a suspicion."

"And that would be?"

"I don't want to assume. It's best you stay here for another day or two so I can confirm it."

"I can't do that. I have to attend a wedding."

Mingyue went to get off the cot, when cold forceful hands pushed her back down. "It wasn't a suggestion."

The girl wanted to scream, she wanted to run far away, but she was paralyzed with fear. Her head was still spinning, so even if she did try to escape, she would be caught. Her mind prayed that someone would find her, take away the horrid feeling of fear.

"Pardon, I heard Mingyue was here?"

"She is, but she's feeling unwell. She must be treated before she can leave."

"I understand, but it's an order that she will come with me."

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