Just Kidding!

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"You haven't lost everything." The nurse said.

"What do you mean?"

"You're still alive, aren't you?"

"I would rather be dead then here without the people I've grown to love." Mingyue sniffled.

"I see... well I must be going. But before I leave, Baiye wanted me to relay a message."

Mingyue's head snapped towards the nurse, "what is it?"

The nurse smirked, "she said to wake up."

"I don't understand?" Mingyue said, but the nurse didn't say anything else as she left Mingyue in the hospital room all alone.

'Wake up?'

'Wake up...'

'Oh my gosh WAKE UP!'

Gasping for long needed air.

Haneul is the first one by her side, "Go get the doctor!"

After the whole check-up procedure was done, she was finally able to breathe again.

"When do I get checked out?" Mingyue asked Jiah.

"They said in two days." Jiah said, "I think that you should tell Heeseung to go get some food. I don't think that he's left your side yet." She whispered.

Mingyue nodded, calling Heeseung over. "Have you eaten yet?"

He shook his head, "I didn't have an appetite with you like this..."

"Since I'm awake, will you please go eat?" She smiled softly at him, holding his hand just like before.

"Okay, I'll be right back though." He said, leaving the room.

Jiah was smirking, "So, you and Heeseung?"

"No... we're just friends."

"But you want to be more?"

"I really don't know–"

"Bullshit! You definitely know." Jiah giggled. "Anyways, because you won't admit it, I'll just say that I ship it."

Mingyue rolled her eyes laughing.

Heeseung waited outside the door, he smiled at her laugh.

"Are you Lee Heeseung?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I think that you should go tell Mingyue that you love her."

"How did you kno–"

"Let's just say a little birdie told me," she winked. He tried looking for a name on her uniform, but there was none.

"Excuse me, but what's your name?"

"That's for me to know kiddo." The nurse smirked, nodding to the door to Mingyue's room. "You never want to run out of time again."

Heeseung's smile faded as he soon caught on, "What do you mean again?"

"You ask too many questions." The nurse noted, "Good thing that I'm patient with both you and Mingyue."

"What do you mean and Mingyue?" He asked, she quirked an eyebrow at him and he immediately apologized.

"Fate has given you another chance. Make this one last and when I talked with her, she loved you too. Every name she brought up... yours was always first."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"I'll relate the message to Baiye."


Heeseung walked back into the room, Mingyue was full of life, laughing at everything that Sunoo was saying. His heart felt lighter knowing that she was awake again.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, Mingyue was already on her way out of the hospital. Heeseung was the one that was going to bring her home. Everyone was at the Choi's house trying to prepare for a welcome home surprise.

"Why are we here?" Mingyue asked Heeseung. They had made a little pit stop before going to the Choi's house.

"You'll see, do you trust me?"

"Of course."

Heeseung had went to the other side of the car to help Mingyue. She was happy that he wasn't just a hallucination. Heeseung held her hand, leading her to a round stone pavilion. It was beautiful even though a lot of its charm had been eroded.

"Look at that moon tonight," He said. His gaze was directed towards the sky. "This reminds me of one of our memories. You had been crying and I came to see what was wrong. I think that was the first night I remember falling in love with you."

"I remember. And I remember the second time we saw the moon together and we were planning our wedding?"

Heeseung chuckled, but nodded. "Mingyue, I really like you. I loved you in our past life, and I want to love you in this life if you will let me?"

Mingyue nodded, she's held onto his hand, intertwining their fingers. "I would like that, but only if you allow me to love you as well."

"I have this funny story–" They both said at the same time. When they looked at each other, their smiles broke into laughter.

"You first," Heeseung said.

"When I was unconscious, there was this nurse who said that she sent a message from Beiye for me to wake up."

"No way... I think that I talked to the same woman. She told me to confess my feelings to you and I thanked her– she said that she would relate the message to Beiye."

They both stared into each others eyes, that was until a shooting star disrupted the peaceful sky. "Beiye," both of them whispered.

The happy couple made it back to the Choi's house. Everyone had set up everything, now they were only waiting for Mingyue and Heeseung to show up.

When the two arrived, Mingyue was so happy she started tearing up. She would never forget the pain of thinking they were all hallucinations.

Heeseung was also shocked upon seeing his parents. He ran to them, giving them the biggest hug in the world.

"Mom, Dad, I've missed you." Heeseung said.

"We've missed you too, hon. That's why we're going to be staying for a while. We don't want to miss everything in your life." Haewon said.

Everyone smiled at the wholesome family reunion. "You must be Mingyue?" Haewon asked the girl, "Heeseung's told us a lot about you, I must say he wasn't lying when he said that you were a very pretty girl." She compliamented.

"Thank you ma'am."

"Please, call me Haewon, I have a feeling that this is not nearly the last time we will be meeting each other." She winked at Mingyue walking away.

"I hope my mom didn't embarrass me..." Heeseung snuck up behind her.

"No not at all... okay maybe just a little." She joked, "I didn't know that you told her about me?" Heeseung started turning red, "cute." She said, looking at him.

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