Blood Boiling

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"Heeseung, do you have time to play chess later?" Mingyue asked.

In reality he didn't, he had to make preparations for an annual festival for the whole kingdom, but he would make time for Mingyue. He would go so far as to as the gods of time to make the days just a bit longer if that meant her could spend time with her.

"Yes, how about after dinner?"

Mingyue nodded, content with his answer and went back to reading her book. Heeseung loved to see her smile, he would do anything if that meant she smiled.

"Heeseungie? Do you want to go star gazing later?"

"Sorry Lady Jangmi, I can't, I'm busy for preparations."

"But Heeseungie, I heard that you're going to be playing chess with Princess Mingyue... Aren't I going to be your wife?"

"Another time we can go star gazing Lady Jangmi, alright?" Jangmi pouted at Heeseung's statement, she wanted to spend time with him tonight, she wanted to tell him so badly that she deserved his time much more than Mingyue. Of course Jangmi refrained from saying such things to him. Even she could see that Mingyue was very important to him.

"Mingyue, are you ready for chess?" Heeseung asked. He had brought a chess board to her room so they could play on the floor.

"Are you ready to lose?"

The game began, at first they tried being serious, but it quickly took a turn. In chess, the best strategy is to think three moves ahead, but they kept distracting the other so that was virtually impossible.

"That's not fair!" Heeseung laughed. Mingyue had pointed away and for some dumb reason Heeseung looked, while he wasn't paying attention to her, she switched up the pieces so she would put him in checkmate.

"I don't know what you're talking about? I believe that I won~"

"You cheater–" He attacked her with tickles until she finally confessed to something that he already knew she did.

When the two calmed down it was already late. "Thank you Heeseung, I really appreciate this."

"Yeah of course, you should get some beauty sleep, you really need–"

"Finish that sentence. I dare you." She said jokingly.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked, laughing. Mingyue nodded.


"Goodnight Mingyue, sleep well."

The next day Heeseung was swamped with work that he missed from taking the night off. Mingyue noticed how stressed he was, but even then he was still calm with her.

"Heeseung, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, it's just some event preparations that need to be done."

"If you need an extra set of hands I could do something? I can make food? Or move things? Or help plan if you need?"

"Actually, that would be great. I'll go finish this up really quick and I can walk you through what needs to be done."

"Sounds good," Mingyue gave a cute thumbs-up.

"Hajoon! Look at this." Haewon dragged her husband to the doors of the library. At one of the tables, Heeseung and Mingyue sat. All of their attention was on documents, stacks of paper were arranged neatly and orderly.

Hajoon had to admit, part of him did hope that Heeseung would ask Mingyue to be his wife, but that had to be his own choice. Lady Jangmi was merely and option out of many options, she was nothing special. She was the most eligible out of all the women that Haewon had met that day.

"I think you should tell Lady Jangmi to pack up and go." Haewon smirked, taunting her husband. He tutted at his wife's behavior, but she was correct about one thing and that is Mingyue should be the queen. "I'll go sort things out!" Haewon skipped down the hall, happy that everything was working out perfectly for her.

Jangmi sat on a bench in the garden, her attire was hardly pure. The girl was pouting, puffing out her lip like she was going to cry.

Mr. Min walked to sit by his daughter. Haewon, being the curious queen that she was, decided to listen into their conversation. It was moments like these which she lived for.

"Jangmi, are you stupid? Acting like a whore has gotten you no where! Not one person in the royal family looks at you with respect anymore."

"Dad, you told me to do this!" Jangmi cried, "You told me to do whatever it took and I tried! Can't you see that I tried!"

"Aish you really are a disappointment Jangmi. It's clear that this plan isn't working, we have to move onto plan-B."

"And that is?"

"If I tell you, you would ruin it yet again. Just be careful about what you eat and drink." Mr. Min told her daughter.

Haewon's heart was racing, her nerves heightened for the girl. The Queen quickly went down to the kitchen to warn everyone of this threat. A threat towards anyone of the royal family is considered treason. Jangmi and Mr. Min will soon find out how harsh their punishments can be.

"Lady Jangmi, I think it's time for you and Mr. Min to leave. Your stay is long overdue. Pack your things tonight and tomorrow you will have a send off."

"Your Majesty, what's happened? Why is this so urgent?" Jangmi was on the verge of tears.

"Lady Jangmi don't test me right now. I will send you out right now be thankful that I am generous enough to let you stay one more night." Haewon snapped.

"But I was chosen to marry Prince Heeseung–"

"That deal has expired. I want you out of my sight. What aren't you getting? Were you not properly educated? My son has a wife and that is not you."

Jangmi tried to hold in her tears. She has had a crush on Heeseung ever since they were younger. She was over the moon when she heard that she was to marry him, but he put off the arrangement for two years. It was because of her. Jangmi only felt one thing: rage. Her blood was boiling with fury. Heeseung should've already married her if it weren't for Mingyue.

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