Blue and Red

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Her jog turned into a run to get home. She didn't know what was so urgent, but it was a deep anxiety that she felt that day. Something was wrong, but she had no clue what. Her thoughts were running in circles, screaming at her to just get home.

A black car pulled over right ahead of her. He rolled down his window, Mingyue couldn't deny that he was handsome.

"Mingyue, right?" Heeseung asked, pulling over, "Would you like a ride? You seemed to be in a rush."

Everything Mingyue was taught seemed to be thrown out the window the moment she nodded her head. She was never to get into a car with a complete stranger– let alone a boy that was a stranger.

"Where are you heading to?"

"Could you drive me to the library? The one that's five miles from here?"

Heeseung nodded, as he drove, he eyes stayed carefully on the road. Both of them hadn't uttered a word, Mingyue had no clue what to talk about with him. She was just grateful that he was able to give her a ride to the library which was a few streets down from her house.

"Thank you, Heeseung!" She said, hopping out of his car and sprinting down the street.

Her nerves were going crazy by now.

Red lights. Blue lights.

Kang Jiah stood there, her arms held out for a hug. "I'm so sorry kiddo, she had another mental break..."

"I shouldn't expect anything less. Am I going to live with you?"

"I'm sorry Mingyue, my house is currently full... but we have found another place you could stay. The Choi family, Choi Yoobin offered to let you stay with him until my house become available. It's either that or Mr. Han."

"Can you help me get my bag?" Mingyue's voice cracked. She hadn't even bothered unpacking her suitcase from the last time had to leave. This has been a constant thing ever since her father passed away in a car crash.

"Of course. Let's go, then we can get you to the Choi's residence and you can get settled."

Jiah placed a comforting hand on Mingyue's back, the girl felt like she should be used to this by now, but every time it hurt even more. The two made their way into Mingyue's room; it looked like it had been torn apart and searched through, but the suitcase that was hidden in her closet remained the only thing untouched.

There was glass scattered all over the floors, Jingjing had really outdone herself this time.

"Let's get you out of here. We have your suitcase, do you need anything else? Phone charger? Pictures? Shoes? Stuffed animals?"

The red and blue lights never left her vision until Jiah turned off the street. The woman felt so much sympathy towards the girl. She tried adopting Mingyue, but it was denied because of Jingjing. Street after street, Mingyue's vision blurred together. She had yet to text Haneul about this, she just wanted to hide away and cry.

"I promise you, Mingyue, everything will turn out alright. Right now it doesn't feel like it, but fate works in mysterious ways."

Approaching the house made her heart drop at the sight of the cars. She mentally cursed her mother for doing this the day they were supposed to hang out.

Yoobin came out to greet Jiah and Mingyue. He smiled sympathetically at her before taking her luggage. Mingyue knew this house as if it were already her own so she already knew where the guest room was.

She sighed, relieved that everyone was at the ice rink. They had left their cars here to carpool there.

"I'll help you unpack?" Jiah asked. Mingyue agreed, she loved spending time with Mrs. Kang.

The two headed up the stairs to the guest room. "Auntie Jiah, what's going to happen to my mom?"

"I'm not sure if I'm being honest. I hope that you'll never had to deal with her again though, I'm really sorry that I couldn't take you in this time."

"It's alright, it's not bad living with my best friend... I hope at least."

Jiah spent the better half of an hour trying to make Mingyue smile again. Yoobin was alright if Mingyue and Jiah rearranged the room, so that's what they did. They moved the bed, the dressers, the desk. They decorated the bed with plushies and filled the drawers and closet with clothes and school uniforms.

"I like what you did with the room, I thought it was quite boring before." Yoobin said, checking up on the two girls. "Also, I have dinner downstairs for you if you want it, you're welcome to stay too Jiah."

"That was so cool Sunghoon! You really are the Ice Prince."

"Dad, who's car is out there?" Haneul asked.

Yoobin audibly shushed her, whispering something in her ear as Mingyue walked into the room.

Sunoo was the only one that went to greet the girl, she hid her pain behind a masked smile. The funny thing about wearing it is that people can barely tell if it's genuine.

"Mingyue, look what I have!" The boy pulled out a pint of mint choco ice cream from a grocery bag.

"Sunoo, she doesn't care about you're dog water ice cream."

"Mint is the best kind–" Mingyue and Sunoo said at the same time, their pause was even synchronized along with their laughter that followed.

"Mingyue, I think I'll head out now. Call me whenever," Jiah said, ruffling Mingyue's hair before leaving.

Mingyue looked like a mess the next morning. Every time she moves, it's always a rough transition.

"Good morning Mingyue!" Haneul chirped as she sipped on her coffee. "Kangdae leaves in thirty minutes if we are going to catch a ride with him."

She nodded, walking back to her room. She needed to get ready for the day, walking into the bathroom her eyes were scorned by her own reflection. Her attention was drawn to the dark red bags that formed under her eyes, and her gaunt face that seemed more bonier than usual.

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