What Happens Now?

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It was around six in the morning when Mingyue woke up. Everyone had fallen back asleep after the incident. She observed how peacfully they all looked.

She was still on the couch and in Heeseung's embrace. For the remainder of her night, she was gifted a dreamless sleep.

"Are you alright?" He asked, he must've felt her moving around. She hummed, leaning her head back on his shoulder.

This was his first night sleeping well in a really long time. It might not have been much sleep, maybe a good hour or so, but he looked much better.

"Do you want breakfast?" She asked.

"I would ask if you want to go to the cafe, but that didn't work so well last time..."

She gave a weak breathy laugh, getting up and pulling him off the couch. "Go change, I'll be down in five minutes."

He laughed quietly at her tired state before nodding.

"Let's walk today." Mingyue said, "I think it will give us more time to talk about what's been happening."

Heeseung agreed, "how long have you been having those dreams?"

"It was more recent, it started when I had to move in with the Choi's and it just continued. It got worse every night that I stayed. You?"

"It started last year, but it wasn't frequently. After I met you I've been having the same dream every night."

"Do you think they're memories?"

"Maybe... maybe it has something to do with past lives, do you believe in that?"

"I'm honestly not sure what I believe anymore–" Mingyue said before her head snapped towards a familiar person.

Jingjing was standing there, she looked completely delusional. Mingyue grabbed onto Heeseung's sleeve and pulled him in front of her, hoping that Jingjing didn't see her.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" She asked, her voice was much higher than it usually was. He looked down at her, raising an eyebrow. "Fine, my mom is over there and I don't want her to see me." She caved.

He was curious about her mother, but he didn't want to impose on a sensitive subject. Heeseung nodded and shrugged of his zip-up sweatshirt to give to her. She put it on and Heeseung fixed the hood on her head so that her eyes couldn't really be seen.

"Does this make you feel any better?"

"Thank you Heeseung, now let's go to the cafe." She pulled him along. When she was with him, it really did feel like she had a shield around her. It was like they were in their own bubble, safe from the world around them.

They were on their way back. The two of them had gotten drinks and Heeseung was carrying a box of a dozen doughnuts.

"What does this mean for us?" Mingyue asked, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"I'm not really sure," Heeseung said, "I'm going to go back to school on Monday, will you be there?"

Mingyue smiled and nodded. In all honesty, she wasn't going to go. She was still allowed to take online schooling, but because he asked, she would go. "Maybe we could do research on this? You know past lives?"

When Heeseung went to school, everyone seemed so concerned. Even the people he didn't talk to came up to ask if he was alright. Though it wasn't the most unusual thing to happen because he was popular.

When he went to his locker, cards flooded out once he opened it. They all flourished to the ground.

"Are you alright?" Ayame asked, picking up the letters.

"Yeah, I'm good. And yourself?"

"I've been better... everyone has been worried about you. They have even started asking me." She told him.

"I'm sorry about the inconvenience–"

"Don't be sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel guilty, only see if you were okay." Ayame said before taking her leave. She, too, liked Heeseung. Well, at one point in her life she liked all of her brothers friends. How could they all be so handsome and kind?

Ayame was a very persistent person, she always found a way to get what she wanted. Always.

When lunch rolled around the gang was back together. All of Enhypen plus Kangdae sat at their usual table.

"You look better," Sunghoon commented, "have you had any dreams since then?"

"Yeah, I've had dreams about unicorns and flying to the moon." Heeseung rolled his eyes.

"Are my eyes mistaken or is the Li Mingyue going to sit with us today?" Jake teased.

Mingyue rolled her eyes, setting her tray down and sat between Haneul and Sunoo.

"What test did you have today?" Kangdae asks.

"No test, I just needed a change from my desk."

Haneul kicked Kangdae from under the table. "What about your mother?" Kangdae asked.

"What about her?" Haneul asked him more hostilely. Basically saying not to bring it up.

Everyone could sense the unease the siblings brought up. They all knew that Mingyue didn't have the best home life, they just didn't know why.

Kangdae's eyes widened as the principle walked into the room. "Mingyue–" he tried warning her, but it was already too late.

"Li Mingyue," Mrs. Hanja said, grabbing everyone's attention. Jingjing was right behind Mrs. Hanja, smirking.

"Mrs. Li, I haven't seen you in so long," Haneul spoke, she tried to shield Mingyue behind her. "So how have you been?"

"Better knowing that my daughter is coming home with me."

"I'm living with the Choi's now." Mingyue spoke quietly, timid in her mother's presents.

"Not anymore. Let's go, we will get all of your stuff from the Choi's and the Kang's later."

Jingjing grabbed her daughter's wrist, dragging her out of the cafeteria. She never let go of Mingyue's wrist until they reached Jingjing's house.

The old, rotted, house stood sadly. It looked like it would tip at any moment. Jingjing had practically thrown Mingyue into her room and locked the door from the outside.

"You won't leave me again. Such and ungrateful brat."

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