Fresh Start

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"I heard that your coming with us," Heeseung said.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind..."

"Not at all, actually I came here to ask if you wanted help packing."

Mingyue nodded, she happily let him pack away some of her dresses. Although they didn't pack many because it would be troublesome trying to lug her whole closet over.

Heeseung had yet to ask the question, but even if she refused, he still wanted Mingyue to feel welcome at his castle. His wistful eyes watched as she organized her things into trunks. At least he will not be burdened with the marriage of Jangmi, but that was only if Mingyue agreed to be his wife.

"Heeseung, could I visit my dad before we go? I'll make it quick–"

"Of course we can. If you want, I could help you clean it up."

She smiled at his request, "He would've loved you. I just know it."

"Get some sleep Mingyue, tomorrow we will go early to give us enough time, yeah?"

"Yeah, goodnight Heeseung~"

Just as Heeseung had said, he and Mingyue went to Mingsheng's resting place. It was covered in vines and eroded by all the storms that must've happened.

Together, they pulled away at all the weeds the intruded on Mingsheng. Then they scrubbed the stone until it was the cleanest it could be.

Li Ming-Sheng
May he forever rest in peace
As a loving husband
And father

Heeseung glanced over at Mingyue, she didn't look at the stone sad, but rather proudly.

"Did you know, that I've kept this stone shining for over a decade. All of the other ones are moss-covered, but I refused to let my Dad's become like that." Mingyue smiled. "Dad, I'm going to live somewhere better. I know that you see everything that's going on... I'm sorry that I can't stay longer, but I will visit you again and make you as good as new."

Heeseung let her have time with her father, not once interrupting her farewell.

"Are we ready?" She turns to him, he nods allowing her to lead the way.

"We have one more stop before we go back to the castle," Heeseung said. He intertwined their hands and brought her to her families bakery. Inside was Mrs. Kang and her grandson Seojun.

"Mrs. Kang!" Mingyue brought the woman in for a hug, "I'm going a little further this time..."

"I know, kiddo. Prince Heeseung told me," Mrs. Kang brought Mingyue in closer to whisper in her ear, "he's a keeper that one."

"Aish Mrs. Kang~"

Seojun stood tall, he had no idea how to act with her anymore. She had a title, was he to bow? Call her Princess Mingyue instead of Ms. Mingyue?"

"Seojun! Look how much you've grown! Have you lost any more teeth since the last time I saw you?"

"Yeah! I lost ten more! Grandma made me ten more pies!"

Mingyue laughed at the little kid as he told her all of his stories from their time apart. Heeseung stood there, admiring her. His eyes never shined so bright before.

They were sent off, Haewon and Hajoon had their own carriage with their luggage and Heeseung and Mingyue with their own carriage and luggage.

Both of them had books for the long trip ahead of them. They were most defiantly going to get bored with the lengthy journey. But with waking up so early, Heeseung and Mingyue found it hard to keep their eyes open. Sleep was calling to them like sirens to sailors.

"It's going to be a long trip, Mingyue, you should rest." Heeseung said, the girl nodded, not needing to be told twice.

Heeseung saw how peaceful she looked when she was resting, but he looked away for fear that it would be creepy. He focused his attention on the book in his hand, but Mingyue still consumed his mind. He wanted to desperately ask her if she would be his queen, but nerves always outweighed his courage.

Everyone told him that Mingyue wouldn't reject him, that they too saw adoration in her eyes for him.



"What's on your mind, you've been staring out into space for fifteen minutes."

"It's nothing really," Heeseung excused, but she gave him the look. It was the look where she knew it was so obvious that he was lying. "I was just thinking about the future."

"What about the future, maybe I could help. Mrs. Kang always called me a prophet of a sort."

Heeseung giggled, "It's about finding a queen so I can ascend to the throne... my father has been putting a lot of stress on me about it..."

Mingyue's face fell once she heard the news, she didn't know why it stung so much. It felt like an arrow had puncture her heart, she felt like she couldn't breath. Mentally, she just froze, having no clue whatsoever on how to respond.

"That does seem like a predicament," She hummed, her eyes could no long look at the man before her, they were fixed on the beautiful scenery. "I don't suppose you'll have much of a problem finding a wife, you're a charming man, Heeseung. Whoever she is, she will be lucky."

Heeseung smiled at the fact that he was called charming by the girl he's pining over.

"That's actually the thing–"

"Heeseungie!" A woman immediately opened the carriage.

How time passed so fast for the two that seemed to be in their own little world. Heeseung got out of the carriage first, offering his hand to Mingyue.

"Who's this?" The woman pouted.

Heeseung looked over at his mother, who was currently scolding Hajoon. Nevertheless, Heeseung reluctantly introduced them, "Lady Jangmi, this is Princess Mingyue. Princess Mingyue, this is Lady Jangmi."

Although Mingyue's heart ached, she still offered her kindest regards to Jangmi. Jangmi seemed like a sweet girl, everything about her was so perfect in Mingyue's eyes, she couldn't even see why Heeseung was stressing about his future with this lovely woman by his side.

"Let's get you settled Mingyue," Haewon beckoned the girl over. Haewon's deathly glare never left her husbands scared face.

"Auntie Haewon, is something wrong?"

"There is... and I will fix it. They always say that to get a job done right, you got to do it yourself."

"Is there something that I could help with?"

"Actually yes, when the time comes, I want you to agree."

"Agree to what?"

"You'll know when it happens." Haewon smirked, bringing Mingyue to her new room. "This is your room, if you need anything, ask Heeseung. He's right across the hall."

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