The Life She Never Wanted

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The weeks flashed by, she had to take etiquette lessons along with real schooling to increase her academic knowledge.

"There will be a ball for Mingyue to officially announce her as a princess. We will have the neighboring kingdoms comes and who knows maybe we can find a suitor?" Jingjing suggests to Yoobin.

The King nods, "We can look, but the decision should be hers. No forced marriages, alright?"

"How has she been in her lessons? I haven't seen much of her," Yoobin finally asks after a minute of silence.

"Yes, she's quite busy studying and trying to catch up with everything. She does tell me how grateful she is for Haneul for her etiquette tips."

"That's wonderful, I was nervous that the kids wouldn't get along..."

Jingjing smiled and intertwine their hands.

"Your Highness, you are to welcome the guests for your ball. They are arriving this afternoon, you must pick an outfit." Ms. Byun said.

"Will you help me?"

Ms. Byun nodded, going into the closet, she was hesitant to touch anything, "May I?"

"Yeah, of course." Mingyue stood back as she watched Ms. Byun observe every outfit, trying to pick out the very best one for this occasion. Her eyes skimmed the embroidery of the dress before she picked out one. It was a pretty pastel blue, it wasn't too fancy, but it's not like it wasn't fancy. It was a perfect median.

Ms. Byun then reached over to the corset. She missed her old corset, the boning to that one wasn't as harsh as this one. But this corset was for everyday use, it wasn't nearly as bad as the one that she would have to wear to the ball.

The new royal was still uncomfortable with having to be dressed. Mingyue will only let Ms. Byun help her after she changes into a fresh under-gown. Imagine the shock the girl felt when Ms. Byun told her the customs for taking baths. To say the least, Mingyue refused to let anyone see her so vulnerable.

When the dressing was done, Ms. Byun brushed through Mingyue's hair and styled it.

"Ms. Byun, could you tell me why we have guests coming so early? Isn't the ball next month?"

"These visitors are friends of The King, Ms. Li."

"Oh okay, I see."

A few hours passed and Mingyue had been stuck in the library studying her science and math course. She had done surprisingly well considering she had never been to an actual school before.

"Your Highness, the visitors are arriving. You must greet them." Ms. Byun said. The girl nodded, getting up. She really didn't want to converse with aristocrats, but that's the life that her mother put her on.

Everyone else had made their way down to the entrance; Yoobin, Jingjing, Kangdae, Haneul and the last being Mingyue.

They all stood awaiting the carriages. Yoobin had invited six of the neighboring kingdoms. There were six families that they needed to greet.

"Remember to smile the prettiest you possibly can~" Haneul whispered to Mingyue.

The girl tried to breath out her anxiety. She didn't want to embarrass herself in front of important people.

"Here they come."

The first carriage arrived revealing a family of four, two children and their parents.

"Welcome Daeun and Minji," Yoobin greeted, he curtly turned to their sons. "It's been so long since I've seen you two, both of you have grown so much,"

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