The Wedding

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It was finally happening. She never thought the day would come when she would be walking down the isle. Her white dress flowed with grace, and she looked timelessly beautiful. Her smile could light up the darkest night, her presents could could bring anyone happiness.

"My daughter, I've been holding back to say that!" Haewon cheered.

"Mom~" Mingyue played into Haewon. The two already had a mother-daughter bond, much stronger than the one she had with Jingjing.

Speak of the devil and she shall arrive.

"Mingyue, I wanted to say congratulations." Jingjing walked into the room.

"Thank you, Mother. It's going to start soon, you should find your seat."

"Who's walking you down the isle? You haven't asked Yoobin, unless you're just expecting it of him– I should go get him."

"No, Mother. I have someone else walking me down the isle."

"And that is? Because Mingsheng is gone..."

"I've asked Hajoon to walk with me."

Jingjing's face turned into one of betrayal. Never has she imagined that Mingyue would replace her and her family... more so Yoobin because she still kept in contact with her siblings and their friends.

Walking to the alter felt like nothing else mattered to Mingyue. Once she saw Heeseung standing there, she knew that everything was already prefect because he was the man she was marrying.

The ceremony went on, and it was now time for their vows.

"From the moment I first saw you, I had no idea that I would fall completely in love with you. The first time I think I realized I had feelings for you was almost three years ago when I was outside in the pavilion. I remember I was crying and you were there to comfort me. You gave me a shoulder to cry on even when I pushed you away. But seeing how far we've made it makes everything seem like it's going to be okay. I will always be here for you, like how you've been here for me."

"Mingyue, since we met two years ago, I knew that I wanted to be by your side. You made me feel strong even if I wasn't, you made me feel confident in my choices when I was questioning everything, you made me feel like me again when I felt lost. Nearly three years ago, I made myself love you because I thought that we were being put into an arranged marriage, but I fell so hard that my feelings are no longer forced, instead we fought for out feelings towards each other. Mingyue, I've loved you for three years and I plan to love you for the rest of our lives. We are in this together." Heeseung held out his pinky for a promise.

"Together." She linked their pinkies together, her smile widened.

"I pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may now kiss the bride!"

In front of everyone, they sealed their marriage ceremony with a kiss. It was short and sweet; it was the perfect wedding.

"Aye! Heeseung finally got the girl~" Jay cooed, teasing the older boy once they were at the reception.

"I don't see you with a ring." Heeseung fired at Jay, laughing.

"Aish Heeseung is just mad because it took him so long to ask out Mingyue~"

"Give Heeseung a break, I think that you did great!" Haneul said, sending him a thumbs-up.

"This is why Haneul is my favorite." Heeseung said, side hugging his sister-in-law.


"Yes Heeseung?"

"I love you~"

"Love you too," she walked over to him, ruffling his hair a bit.

Everything seemed so ethereal for the couple. They were enjoying their honeymoon in peace. There was no royal duties to be done, nor any responsibilities for the two. They could simply enjoy each others presence.

They were staying in one of the Lee family cabins. It was a comfortable home, the inside was cozy-elegant and it was much more smaller than the castle, which Mingyue really liked. It was surrounded by the beautiful forest with a glassy pond that could be seen on the balcony.

"Do you want tea?" She asked her husband.

"Shouldn't I be the one making you tea, Mrs. Lee."

The two walked into the kitchen, Mingyue watched as Heeseung made her tea. She saw the prestigious way he did everything, like every detail was important to the final result.

"You're going to make an amazing father one day." She thought aloud.

"I hope so, and I'll be even better with you by my side."

"What would you want to name our child, hmm?"

"If our child is a boy then I like the name Eunwoo, Tangfei, or Lei. For a girl maybe Minji or Baiye. That's my list at least." Heeseung said thoughtfully. Since Mingyue originated from the Kasmira Kingdom, Heeseung had done further research to get to know Mingyue's culture more. The woman didn't fail to notice how there were Kasmiran names that he chose."

"I like those too," She smiled.

"Sit still Heeseung!" Mingyue laughed as she tried sketching her husband who kept fidgeting.

"Mingyueieee I've been sitting here forever!"

"It's been twenty minute, Love. I think you can survive another ten."

"If I do, will you play chess with me?"

"I suppose I could make that happen," Mingyue joked, "Now, sit still Mr. Lee."

Heeseung actually sat there for another hour as Mingyue perfected his portrait. His wife was so immersed in her work that she hadn't realized the time and Heeseung didn't want to interrupt her.

His eyes saw the way she looked at him and then back to her paper, her focus was admirable. Mingyue wanted to depict every detail of her husband– she wanted to capture his eternal beauty for their child to see when they grow up.

"All done~" She let out a breath of content.

He went over to where her, looking at the masterpiece in front of him. "This is amazing, Love! I'm sorry that I can't draw you that well..."

She laughed at her husband, "No worries, your pretty face makes up for it~" She winked, "Now, time for chess?"

Heeseung nodded like a happy kid on Christmas Day as he went to retrieve the game.

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