Fun Sleepover

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The two barely spoke, it was quite awkward. But going into the convince store, they were wrapped in a blanket of warmth that somehow thawed the barrier between them.

"I'm going to get ice cream and a few other snacks," Mingyue said. Heeseung nodded as he went over to the ramen section.

Mingyue was like a woman on a mission, she grabbed a pint of mint choco ice cream and cookie dough. She also got strawberry milk for herself, banana milk for Haneul, and different kinds of chips.

"Heeseung?" He hummed in response, "Do you know what kind of drink Sunoo likes? And what snacks?"

He looked at the girl with a questioning face, "I thought you only came here for ice cream?"

"Everyone knows that means ice cream plus everything else you see." She joked, "Do you know what he likes? I would feel bad if I went back and he didn't like anything I got besides the ice cream."

"He likes lotus biscuits and banana milk."

"Thank you!"

They finished their shopping and Heeseung had grown a new fondness for the girl. Before he thought that she was shy and he couldn't really get a read on her personality, but now he somewhat knows her.

"Mingyue you missed it! Spencer was kissing Malissa's fiancé!" Sunoo shouted as she walked in.

"Is it bad that the only one I like is Emily?"

"Nope. She's the only one that hasn't done anything morally wrong yet."


Mingyue rushed to the kitchen to put the ice cream in the freezer before joining everyone in the living room. She put all of the snacks out on the table and she gave Sunoo and Haneul their drinks.

"You are literally the best!" Sunoo cheered.

"Anything for Sunshine," Mingyue said, ruffling his hair.

"The plot twists are so wild," Sunghoon said with his eyes glued on the TV screen.

"Jake, can we paint your nails? You are infringing on our girls-plus-Sunoo night." Haneul asked.

"Do I get to choose the color?"

"I suppose..."

"I'll do a light blue then."

"You can say no to this, Hoon." Kangdae said.

"Eh, it's not really a problem, my little sister loves painting my nails. Plus this show is investing, watch it."

Haneul painted his nails a pastel blue and decorated them with small white dots.

"I'm home!" Yoobin walked through the door, he was in his work suit. "Oh, I didn't realize we had company?"

"Sorry I forgot to ask... Dad, can I have my friends over?" Haneul asked. Yoobin sighed, but agreed anyways because they were already there. Plus, he could never say no to his little girl.

Mingyue woke up, she was cuddled up against a pillow, her eyes were blinded by the sunlight from the windows. Her eyes fell upon her best friend who was snuggling with the bags of chips.

"Babe, I were supposed to hang out with you last night. We had a movie date planed."

"Sorry Jangmi, my friends needed me. Next time we will hang out, I promise."

"Fine. Whatever. Talk to you later."

The line went dead, and Mingyue could see Heeseung's back turned to them as he looked at his phone.

"I'm sorry about that, I hope it wasn't us that kept you..." Mingyue rasped.

"Don't worry about it, I always hang out with Jangmi. It was time I hung out with my friends again, it wasn't an obligation, I just needed to tell her that so she wouldn't be more upset."

"I see, do you want something to eat?" Mingyue got up, walking into the kitchen. Heeseung followed her, seeing as everyone else was still asleep. "We have left over pizza, or I can make omelets, eggs and toast, crepes?"

"What if we walked to the cafe downtown and get donuts and muffins?"

"Sounds good," Mingyue hummed, getting herself ready to leave.

Heeseung drove them down to the cafe, it warm vibe brought a happy comfort to both of them.

"Get whatever you'd like, it's on me since I offered." Heeseung said, looking at the menu, "Could you also order for Haneul?" In the end, they got a dozen assorted donuts and a dozen assorted muffins. Heeseung got a coffee for himself and a few of the others, but Mingyue declined.

"Let's stop at the convenience store? You can get strawberry milk and we can get banana milk for Sunoo and Haneul."

Arriving back at the house, most of the boys had already woken up. Haneul was still dead-asleep, she looked like an angel when she's not awake.

"Morning my Sunshine~ Here we have stuff for you."

"Yay! This is why you are my favorite!"

The boy was immediately shushed by a tired Jay. Kangdae laughed, "Guess you couldn't handle your alcohol."

"Why is everyone yelling today," He muttered before sandwiching his head between pillows.

"I told you it was a bad idea." Heeseung commented.

"Hey! You drank too." Jay defended himself, "how can you be happy this morning?"

"Because I can handle my alcohol–"

"You guys drank?" Jungwon asked, his eyes went wide with shock.


"Jay you can't speak. You are obviously hungover." Ni-ki commented.

"What are we doing today?" Jake asked the group after breakfast.

"I promised Jangmi I'd hang out with her."

"Welp, we'll see you in another month or two–"

"Be nice Jake." Jay said. Although Jay, too, was frustrated with Heeseung and his girlfriend, he tried remaining neutral to the situation.

"I'm sorry Jake, we will make time to hang out again," Heeseung said.

"Maybe when you get rid of the leech." Ni-ki coughed, but Jay gave the younger boy a death stare. Whenever Heeseung wasn't around, which was pretty often, they made fun of Jangmi. There's a lot they've said about her, starting with leech, fake face, cake face, bitch, the list could really go on forever. The amount of trouble Jangmi has caused for the group was unbelievable, that's why they don't bother being around when she is. Jangmi liked trying to set the guys up with some of her friends.

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