Chapter 2

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Frank is in his bed, hugging his pillow. He tries to sleep, but he can't. His mind can't stop overthinking about what happened earlier. He closes his eyes for a minute, then two, then thirty. One hour, two hours, but he can't fall asleep, even if he is REALLY trying to, lays there with red eyes.

Frank lives alone. Yeah, he's neither cohabiting with someone nor has a partner - he's single and waiting for the love of his life. Yes, the lifeguard.

He suddenly throws his pillow on the floor in rage. He's fucking angry at himself. He doesn't even know what he did wrong, but damn, whatever it is, it hurt Gerard. And he can't bear that.

Frank gets up from his bed and looks for his laptop. Yeah, he's gonna watch some series instead of falling asleep. Or, well, trying to.

After watching a few episodes, he finally falls asleep, laptop still in his lap, the screen still playing.


Frank suddenly opens his eyes wide to the sound of his alarm clock. Must be 6:43am then. Yeah, Frank sets his alarm for 6:43am, because 40 is too early and 45 is too late. 43 is perfect.

He sits up on his bed too quickly, which makes the laptop fall onto the floor and the sound wakes Frank up even more. Damn, his head hurts...

He yawns and rubs his eyes for one long minute. Believe it or not, it feels really good. Not better than masturbating would, but... You know.

He gets up, brings the laptop up and places it back on the bed, opens his closet and looks for a white shirt, his black pants and red tie. He closes it and looks at himself in the mirror.

Shit, I look so damn horrible... How would Gerard ever find me attractive when I look like this? Plus, I slept less than three hours last night for sure...

He gets dressed and goes to the bathroom, puts on some foundation in order to hide those black circles of his. Yes, Frank uses foundation, don't ask why. Men can wear makeup, right ?

He doesn't take the time to make himself an egg, or even to look at the window. Yeah, a bird has built its nest in the corner of this window. It's been already two weeks, and Frank always checks if there are some eggs, or maybe already baby birds. But this morning, he doesn't have the time. He just goes to the kitchen to pick up a chocolate bread and his afternoon meal, then leaves his flat.


He opens the doors of the swimming pool like he does every day, except this time it's 7:55am.

Frank ? Late ? That never happens. He only came in late for one unique reason : avoid Gerard. He doesn't want to see him.

Well, Frank wants to see him SO bad, but he can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. What if Gerard hates him now ? He couldn't handle it.

He yawns and sits on his usual chair. He turns his head towards the bay window. Gerard is strangely on time today, checking his phone so he can't possibly notice Frank looking at him. But why did he get so angry yesterday ? It wasn't like Frank said anything important... He doesn't know. What he does know, however, is that he WON'T be the first to come and apologize. No, he's too ashamed to.

As the day passes, he has not spoken to Gerard yet. Well, he usually never talks to him throughout the day...


Now comes the end of the day. Frank is quickly packing his things up ; he doesn't want to meet Gerard at all. It would be so awkward, because Frank can't just ignore him, it would be disrespectful.

He turns off his computer and zips up his backpack, then turns around to get out as fast as possible.

But he stops suddenly, when he hurts into Gerard, head buried into the man's pecks.

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