Chapter 7

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Gerard leaves the bar, looking in low key at the car, waiting for him. Outside, it's almost fully dark.

He opens the door and sits on the seat.

"Hello," he says.

"You told me it was an appointment with your colleagues." his boyfriend says, starting to drive.

"It was. We're just two people working at the pool, since it's a small one."

"Always thought you were more than two here."

"Well there's the boss. But he's not always there."


He keeps driving, in silence.

Gerard looks at the window of the car and rethinks of what happened at the bar, with Frank. He's really happy. Frank is really a good person.

"So, what's his name ?"

Gerard looks away from the window and gazes at his boyfriend.

"My colleague ?"

"Who else ?" his boyfriend says, louder than before.

"Yeah, sorry. He's named Frank."

"Frank, uh." he nods. "Is he a handsome guy ?"

Oh. Why does he have to ask that ? Yeah, Frank really is an attractive guy, and also an interesting one. He really appreciates him. Maybe a bit too much. But he has to lie to his boyfriend, or else, it will start an argument.

"Oh, he's just normal. Not my type, though."

They stop at a traffic lights. His boyfriend is tapping on the wheel, slowly. It doesn't mean anything good. He generally does that when he's angry.

"Tonight I need to relax a bit. You will help me doing that, mmh ?"

Gerard's blood freezes.

Not again, please not again...

He doesn't reply, as the traffic lights turns to green, and they start driving again.

"I said something."

He now drives faster.

"Okay..." Gerard whispers, playing with his belt seat nervously.

"What ? Didn't hear anything."

Gerard sighs silently, careful to not let him hear.

"GERARD !" his boyfriend suddenly shouts.

Gerard had had enough of his boyfriend's behavior. He can't deal with it anymore. But he has to, otherwise... Well, he knows the consequences.

"At least Frank is kind to me." he whispers, thinking he won't hear it, but then realizing he said it a bit too loud...

The car suddenly stops on the left of the road. Gerard didn't even have time to realize what's going on that he feels his cheek hurting. It hurts a lot. And it's getting warm.

His boyfriend just slapped him.


Gerard touches his own cheek, in fear. It hurts so much.

He looks at him, his eyes getting wet. His partner suddenly takes him by the shoulders and looks deeply in his eyes, shaking him. They are showing anger. And it really doesn't mean anything good.

"Gerard, you know what we are ? We are a couple. You love me, I love you. You can't say things like that. I am the one who's kind with you and makes you happy."

Gerard tries hard not to lose the eye contact with his boyfriend. Otherwise he will get slapped again. And he certainly doesn't have to cry.

His partner loses his grip on Gerard's shoulders and sighs, looking at the cars passing on the road.

"I'm sorry for getting mad."

He looks back at Gerard.

"I love you."

No, he doesn't love him. He can't love him. It isn't love. Or maybe it is ? Gerard doesn't know, it's his first relation with someone. But from what he saw in movies, it doesn't seem to be love. Perhaps the reality is just worse..

"I love you too."

Does he really love him ? Quite hard to tell.

When he first met his boyfriend (whose name will not be told because it isn't useful and we just don't need to know the name of a fucker), he was deeply in love with him. Because he was at his lowest. A bad period of his life. So when this guy seemed to care about him, he couldn't help but fall in love.

And yeah, he was kind at the beginning. He was there for him and made him feel better, for the first three months, at least. One day, he started getting aggressive towards Gerard. But the latter just took it as a simple argue, what happens in every couple. So that's normal. But it started happening twice a week, then it was more and more... 

Sometimes it can be many times in the day. But right after this happens, he tells him "I love you" and hugs him. Gerard can't help but believe him.

His boyfriend loves him.

And so he does.

Well, he tries to convince himself about this fact.

It's been already one year that he's struggling with this situation. He can't leave him, because he knows he won't let him do so. By the way, he can't even leave the house without telling him exactly what he will do outside. And he generally goes with him, but sometimes not. Sometimes, he's kind. Sometimes, he hugs Gerard with love, and kisses him. Sometimes, there's no argument. Sometimes, Gerard feels safe.

But most of the time, his partner uses him to please himself. Yes, they made love together and yes, it was a good time for both of them, and it always is.

But only when they both consent.

And it became more rarely for Gerard to say yes for doing it. He doesn't wanna make that with him.

But, unfortunately, he doesn't have the choice. He has to obey. Otherwise, he gets slapped, as many times as his boyfriend wants to.

So he just has to suffer the whole time, waiting for his partner to be done with making love with him.

Well, if we can call that love.

Does Gerard's boyfriend love him ? It can't be possible. Why would he hurt him while doing it and not care about his feelings if he loved him ? That's a weird kind of love, then.

But Gerard has to admit. He doesn't really want to leave him, because he can't be alone.

But that was before he met Frank.

Gerard started working at the swimming pool six months ago. When he first met him, he directly had a nice feeling with him. The way he's awkward, the way he gets red when he sees Gerard himself, the way he cares about him, the way he pretends not to be in love with him - because, yeah, Gerard thinks that Frank has a little crush on him... 

And, well, Gerard does too.

He's his little ray of sunshine for the day. He makes him smile. He also makes him laugh. Even if they don't talk that much during the day. He thinks about him a lot. Because Frank is kind. And he really is. Frank isn't a bad person.

Yes, that's right. Gerard loves Frank. But he surely can't tell him. He can't even show it. Because if it happens that his boyfriend finds about it, he's dead. But, literally dead. If he dares to tell him, he will slap him hard. Slap him to death. He's sure about it.

Why wouldn't he be hiding going out with Frank, you will ask me. Well, because he's too scared. He can't risk that. It's not even a possibility.

But, what if what's happening with his current boyfriend would happen with Frank too ? What if he actually is a bad person ?

No, it can't be possible.

But for now, it's not the question. Now, he's worried about what his boyfriend will do to him when they will come back home.


kinda like this chapter even tho it's breaking my heart :c

these time im writing so much more and i'm happy about that !

also i wrote this chapter before the chapter 6, IDK WHY

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