Chapter 12

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TW for this chapter, if you're sensitive to read about physical violence :(

"What ?"

Gerard nods and looks down.

"But I can't, William wouldn't allow me to leave him. I promise you he's bad. He's a really bad guy."

Frank tightens his grip on the lifeguard's hand.

"You're not alone. I told you I'll protect you. But uh... I'm not forcing you to leave him, of course ! But I just think you'd be happier."

Gerard takes a tissue out of his pocket and blows his nose.

"I know you're not forcing me. Thank you so fucking much for helping me with that. But, you know, I don't wanna be a mess for you. I don't want to bother you with my problems..."

Frank puts his hand in the air, as if marking a stop.

"You don't. I really mean it when I say I wanna help you. So don't worry about that."

Gerard sighs and hugs Frank tightly. He hugs him back, burying his face in his shoulder.

"I've never felt like that for someone. I mean... I think I have so much feelings for you. And this since I noticed how kind you are to me. And, above that, your smile was the first thing I noticed."

He stops hugging him and looks into his eyes.

"Really ?" Frank asks.


"Actually, it was the same for me when I first saw you. My first thought was 'wow he's so handsome !'"

They both laugh at Frank's statement.

"No, really, I have a crush on you since the very begging," Frank continues. "It's even more than a crush. And uh... I never thought you'd love me back. And... when I knew you had a boyfriend, I lost all hopes."

"I fell in love with William, yes, I did," Gerard explains. "But only because he was giving me attention when I needed it. I didn't notice how manipulating he is. One time he hits me, another time he says he loves me. But I never fell in love like I did for you. I promise you, you're..."

He stops in the middle of his speech, realizing he's telling too much.

"Oh damn, I'm acting embarrassing right now, I'm sorry, Frank..."

"No, don't apologize ! I love hearing what you have to say ! I always wanted to have deep conversations with you. Well... I would've never think it would be this kind of conversation, but I'm glad you trust me enough to open yourself to me. I'm sorry for what's happening to you, you don't deserve that at all..."

Gerard smiles, a sad look on his face.

"Unfortunately that's the reality."

"We'll change things !" Frank exclaims with a big smile.

That's crazy how Frank is so self confident right now. Maybe because Gerard admitted his feelings for him. Actually, he never felt much alive as he is right now. Love is clearly the best feeling. And being loved by the one you love is even better.

"Oh Frank, you... I love you," Gerard says, looking at his hands.

Frank freezes. He's still not used to get compliments like that. Today, he got his first kiss, and learned that his crush loves him. That's a lot, for our little Frank. And now that he has more self confidence, he doesn't even think before talking.

"Can I kiss you again ?"

Raaah Frank you should open that fucking window and jump, would be funny.

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