Chapter 3

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It's Saturday morning. Frank is sitting at his table, playing a stupid game on his phone, but he's still bored.

"Damn !"

His phone screen is announcing that he has lost the level.

He sighs and throws his phone at the side of his bed, closing his eyes. Then he gets an idea ; he will call his best friend, Ray, who will certainly make him get off his ass and do something with his life instead of always complaining.

He gets up, digs his phone back up and calls Ray without hesitation. It's always been like this between them, they call each other whenever they want.

Ray picks up immediately.

"Hello, Frankie. What's happening ?"

Ray's never been big on showing his emotions, when in reality he's a little ray of sunshine who cares about the people he loves.

"Hey, I'm just wondering if we could see each other today ? Um, I mean- Right now ?" Frank asks.

He gets no reply.

"Please?" he adds. 

"Uh oh, something's telling me you're about to share some big news."

"Actually... kinda. You know that colleague who I like A LOT... Wait, I already talked to you about him, didn't I ?"

"Oh, yeah, you sure did." Ray sighs. "At least 10 times, every single time I get the wonderful chance to meet you."

"Okay, yeah, that's right. But, um... He actually invited me to go to a bar with him !!" Frank screams, as excited as he ever was.

"No fucking way- You ? He invited you ? Frank Anthony Iero ??"

"Yes !!"

Frank doesn't hear Ray say anything for a second.

"...Ray ? Can't you be happy for me ?"

"I am, I am- I'm just... Why would he invite you ?"

"Ah... I don't know. Honestly ? I think he pities me."

"Uh- Yeah, that's a possibility. But hey, maybe he likes you back ?" Ray says, teasingly.

"Ray, please don't say things like that, you know as well as me it's not true."

Frank gets up from his bed and paces around his room.

"I'm only joking. But...who knows ?"

Frank can't see Ray right now, but he knows the guy is smirking on the other side of the phone.

"When's the date ?"

"Monday after work, actually. I'm anxious, but I really want to get to know him."

"Yeah... Well, you're really lucky, Frank Iero ! I hope you'll get that chance with him."

"Noo, I'm trying my best not to overthink this ! He probably doesn't love me, so there's no reason to get excited. And I swear, you don't know how handsome he is. He has a girlfriend for sure. But... maybe... after the date... I could bring him back to my place... And... We could spend the night together, not sleeping a wink and... Oh gosh."

Frank can't stop smiling and giggling, his free hand resting on his face. Yes, even in serious situations Frank Iero can't stop thinking about sex.


"And imagine if-"

"FRANK ! Stop overthinking."

"Yeah, alright. You know, I wanna buy him something, for when we'll meet. Like... A bouquet of flowers ?"

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