Chapter 4

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Frank is sitting on his usual chair, waiting for 5:45pm to come. Right after, Gerard and him will go to the bar together to have a drink. So, yeah, Frank bought a flower bouquet. Fortunately, Gerard haven't seen it yet, because Frank has put it in a bag he brought to hide it. So when Gerard met him in the morning he looked weirdly at this random bag that Frank was hiding behind his back. An awkward situation, yeah. Plus, the little bouquet is now probably flattened because of the bag... Damn, he should've bought a chocolate bar, like Ray told him to do. And it will probably embarrass Gerard. It's not like they're dating...

Frank waits for Gerard to come. But he suddenly thinks about something else. He doesn't have time to get ready. He literally forgot his fancy shirt at home.

Oh shit, I was supposed to bring it at work to change myself here...

He looks at his bag, then at the door, and finally through the bay window, where Gerard is ending the swimming lesson he had with a class. Without really taking time to think correctly, he takes his bag and put it on his back, then runs toward the door and disappears from the pool. Yes, he was supposed to be the last one who leaves the pool, like he does everyday, but this time, he just cannot.

Damn, Frank, it's just a little date with Gerard, and- wait, it's not even a date, but I mean, it's not a problem if I'm not dressed well... But I'm still a dumb guy and want things to be perfect. Fuck me.

He runs without looking back. When he arrives at his home, he opens the door very quickly ; he can't take a lot of time, he has to be at the bar for 6pm. Plus, the bar is right next to the pool. And he can't make Gerard wait for him.

He walks towards the bathroom and looks at his reflection.

"Arrgh why do I look like im dead ??"

He takes off his black pullover and throws it away. Unfortunately for him, it ends in the toilets.

"NO, YOU WERE MY FAVORITE PULLOVER !! Oh damn I'll take care of that later."

He sighs and goes looking for his white shirt and puts it on. He runs his hand on each sleeve to make them look smoother. He then takes his hair brush and quickly runs it through his hair.

"Okay, that's great. Well, I think so."

He looks one last time at his reflection and takes his perfume that he spreads on his neck.

"I'm fucking ready now !" he says, trying to be confident.

He runs towards the hallway while looking at his phone. It's already 5:56pm.

Frank screams silently in panic because it generally takes him five minutes to walk to the pool. Okay. He's got to run.

But first, he opens the bag where the flower bouquet is.

It's totally flattened.

Frank sighs again and takes the bouquet out of the bag


He looks one last time at the it.

"Gonna take it anyway."

He opens the door of his home, gets out of the flat, and runs towards the pool.


Frank arrives at the bar, exhausted. He's nervous.

"Goddamn, why did I buy flowers ? We're not even dating or anything..." he whispers.

He suddenly feels someone touching his shoulder. He jumps a little and turns back. It's Gerard. He's wearing a pair of black jeans and a shirt, black as well. He's just so breathtaking.

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