Chapter 10

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The swimming pool had to close for the day. Frank went back home, in a really bad mood. He thought about giving Gerard the brownie when he comes visit him at the hospital, but he wasn't even sure if he would be allowed to eat, since he will have a surgery...

Now, he's waiting in the waiting room. He decided to take the brownie with him. Just in case. He really wants Gerard to taste it. Let's hope it's not fucked up.

The hospital has called him an hour ago and he came really fast here, but he's still waiting. Why did they call him so early ? Did something happened after they called him ?

Frank feels himself almost falling asleep. Waking up earlier was maybe a bad idea. Plus what happened to Gerard... That's already too much for him.


A nurse puts a hand on Frank's shoulder.

"Mister ?"

"Mmh ?"

He slowly opens his eyes and yawns. Apparently he fell asleep... 

Damn, my head hurts now...

"I think you are waiting for someone, right ?" the nurse asks.

He looks at her for a moment and finally, he replies.

"Y-Yeah. I'm waiting to see Gerard. Gerard Way."

She nods and tells Frank to follow her. He does so, and she leads him to Gerard's room.

"Before I let you in, I have to tell you that he's asleep. Because the surgery was kinda... rough. But he's okay. He will have a plaster and crutches for some weeks, so he won't be allowed to go to work."

Frank nods. He's really sad about it, because he won't be able to see him as much as before, but it's better for Gerard to rest.

She opens the door, and he sees the lifeguard, laying on his right side on a hospital bed, wrapped in a white blanket and wearing a white hospital outfit.

He hears the door shutting, which means the nurse left the room and they are now both alone together.

He approaches the bed and gazes at Gerard's face. His eyes are closed, obviously, and his mouth his slightly opens. Frank can even hear his soft breath if he pays enough attention.

He puts his bag containing the brownie on the floor and looks around, looking for a chair. When he finds one, he grabs it, puts it next to Gerard's bed, and finally sits on it.

He looks once again at his face. Wow. He's so beautiful. Literally the best view he has ever seen.

A thought went through is mind. But that's something he shouldn't do.

Right now, he really wants to touch his face, or his hair. But... It's not as if they were lovers, they can't be that intimate. Plus, he's asleep, and it means he's unconscious. So maybe he wouldn't want to be touched. He could be afraid of Frank's intentions.

But the temptation is too hard.

He won't touch his face, just his hand.

He lets his hand find its way to Gerard's. He softly slides his fingers on the back of his hand, then goes on his fingers. It's so soft...

He takes his hand in his and caresses it with his thumb. He looks back at Gerard's face when he hears him sigh in his sleep.

Frank feels his heart warming up. This feeling is so amazing, it's almost unbelievable. He really wants to have a relationship with him.

No, he needs it.

Right now, he could tell him what he truly feels about him. I mean, he's asleep, he can't hear him. Even if that's really risky. But oh how he's dying to tell him...

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