Chapter 13

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Flashback: it's been two months that Gerard and William are together.

Gerard goes downstairs, almost running. He feels so happy today. Yesterday, him and his boyfriend, William, went to the restaurant. Just the two of them. It was so cool and so romantic.

Right now, William is at work, but Gerard wants to cook him something for dinner. He will cook some lasagna. Yeah, it's not the most amazing meal, but he's sure William will be happy with that.

He looks for the recipe on his phone, and starts cooking. He already bought what's necessary, of course. He starts by putting the tomato sauce and the meat in a pan, adding some spices and some aromatic herbs. It's almost done now. He puts the pastas in the dish, adding the sauce and some cheese on top. When he did everything he had to do, he puts the dish in the oven for twenty minutes.

He feels proud of himself. He really thinks he did something good. It seems perfect.

He waits for the lasagna to be cooked, then he gets it out of the oven and puts it on the table.

"Great !"

A big smile can be seen on his face.

He lets the dish cool a little and sets the table.

He now waits for William to come back.

He's so excited and can't wait to see his reaction. It's the first time in a while that he does something good. Because life has been though for Gerard, and getting out of that depression was so hard. Fortunately, William arrived at the right moment.

The sound of the door opening echoes in the living room. It's William, coming back from work. Gerard gets up from the sofa, and goes greeting him.

"Hi, how's it going ?" his boyfriend says.

He takes him in his arms to hug him and Gerard hugs him back.

"Oh, you cooked something ? "

"Yes, I wanted to thank you for yesterday."

William gets in the kitchen and looks at the meal.

"Lasagna ?"

Gerard nods, proud of what he has done.

"It's... not really my favorite food..."

Gerard suddenly feels sad. Damn, he should've cooked something he's sure he likes, it would have been a better idea.

William sits down on a chair, as Gerard cuts a piece of lasagna for his boyfriend, then one for himself.

He's not feeling as confident as he was just before. He didn't know William was not in fond of lasagna.

Gerard tastes it and thinks it's yummy. But the face William is making lets him think he doesn't like it.

"You... You don't like it, uh ?"

"There's too much salt. And it's too cold."

"What ? But it was in the oven for twenty minutes, I think it's hot enough..."

"Well I'm not in fond of lasagna anyway. You could've cooked something I like, uh."

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