13. Out Of Danger

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MaAn - The Respect !

Shot 13

City Hospital

The moment the News regarding Anuj's Accident was out the Next Second Entire Shah Family rushed towards Hospital with Devika all shocked.

Devika who stood beside Her Two Best Friends everytime they needed Her was now completely broken unable to see One of Her Best Friend Fighting for Life every second. Her Tears didn't take even a small Pause and kept welling up Her Eyes continuously, while Anupamaa's state wasn't less too.

Inspite of being in no Touch with Anuj for Years Post Her Marriage, Her Worry for Her Best Friend wasn't Faded yet. Her concern for Anuj even now was same just like She worried for Him in Past, but the only thing which was changed here was FEELINGS.

In Past Anupamaa worried for Anuj as HIS LOVE but Today Her Worries for Anuj is just like a Friend worried for another Friend Praying to Her Kanha Ji continuously.

"Bhabhi don't worry Anuj will be Fine. Kuch nhi hoga unhe. Kanha Ji ne jab itne Time baad aapku apne Sacche Doston se milwaya hain toh He won't Seperate You Three even Today." consoled Dolly keeping Soothing Her Palm on Anupamaa's Shoulder understandingly.

While Anupamaa nodded Her Head positively & wiped off Her Tears composing Herself maturely.

"Dr Dr.... How is Anuj ? Woh theek toh hain na ? How is He please tell me.." cried Devika while rushing towards the Dr as soon Her Eyes caught the sight of Dr coming out of OT removing His Operation Mask.

Soon the entire Crowd of Shah Family including Anupamaa was found near Dr waiting for His reply impatiently all worried.

"Boliye na Dr kaise hain Anoojj... Woh theek hain na ?" asked Anupamaa too finally unable to keep Herself quite witnessing Dr's silence since a time all worried.

Doctor where as observed the Faces of the Crowd near Him all sternly for a while but then soon smiled warmly confusing Anupamaa & everyone immediately.

"Dr We have shifted Dr Kapadia into His Ward now. His Vitals are all Good as per Your Expectations." said a Nurse standing near the Dr gaining everyone's attention towards Her instantly.

Soon a sigh of relievedness was released from everyone thinking Kanha Ji for His Mercy happily.

"Thank God the Accident wasn't as Big as We thought it was seeing Dr Kapadia's state at that time. It was just a Small Accident occured in Order to Safe a Child. You all can meet Him turn by turn once He gains His consciousness." informed the Dr before leaving for His Cabin professionally.

While the Devika & the rest present with Her there nodded their Head & thanked Kanha Ji countlessly feeling emotional.

1 Hour Later

Finally after an Hour Anuj gained His consciousness with great difficulty. He slowly with a slow motion fluttering Eyes opened His Eyes & tried to register His surroundings. His Forehead & entire Body too ached severely due to Accident & stitches applied on His Body during His Operation inside OT.

MaAn - The Respect ! MaAn Story by Angel GoldieWhere stories live. Discover now