14. Dr Harshavardhan Kapadia

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MaAn - The Respect !

Shot 14

The moment Anupamaa saw the Person infront of Her, Her Eyes welled up & Her Heart too pumped 1000 times more faster than Her regular Heart pumping feeling nervous.

On One side it was Anupamaa who was battling with Her own Fear of facing thousands of questions of the Person infront of Her, and on the other hand it was the other Person who was all ready to bombard number of questions on Anupamaa regarding Past.

A sense of anger & hatred was clearly visible on the Face of the Person for Anupamaa recollecting their Past sternly, while Anupamaa on the other side helplessly felt immense guilty understanding the emotions of the Person infront of Her crying silently.

"Dad ? You here ? When did You return from US ? " asked Anuj excitedly seeing His Father infront of His Eyes after long One Month from no where all surprised.

"Dad ? You here ? When did You return from US ? " asked Anuj excitedly seeing His Father infront of His Eyes after long One Month from no where all surprised

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Dr Harshavardhan Kapadia

Dad ! Yes it was Anuj's Father Dr Harshvardhan Kapadia, One of the World Famous Pulmonologist, who had just returned from USA after attending His One Month Long Medical Conference.

The moment He landed in India, His sources Informed Him about Anuj's Accident leading Him rush to the City Hospital immediately.

"Haa Beta..  My Medical Conference had ended Yesterday so I thought to return to My Son as soon as possible. I tried for Yesterday the moment Conference ended but unfortunately I didn't get any Afternoon Flight Yesterday so had to return Today by Early Morning Flight & when I Landed here I came to know about Your Accident.." explained Harshvardhan heading towards His injured Son smiling warmly.

While Devika moved and gave Harshwardhan His way to move towards His injured Son instantly.

"How are You Devika Beta ? Iss Gadhe ne tumhe zyaada pareshan toh nhi kiya na ? I'm sure He might have troubled You alot and the Live example is just infront of Our Eyes." questioned Harshavardhan showering all His Fatherly Love on Devika & at the same time teasing His own Son care freely.

"I am Fine Uncle. How are You ? And Yes Your Son had indeed troubled Me alot in this One Month. Infact He have not eaten anything according to His Diet Plan this whole One Month & have black mailed Me too not to tell anything to You or else He would make My Transfer into another City in other School.." complained Devika instantly like a cute small kid complaining about His Sibling in jet speed.

MaAn - The Respect ! MaAn Story by Angel GoldieWhere stories live. Discover now