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Sometimes, people come into your life and you never really know how much they are going to mean to you. How much of an impact they are going to make on your life and how much you'll make on their's. Whether good or bad. If you knew how much someone would mean to you in the future when you first met them, would that change how you go on about things? One person can make such a change in your life without them. Where it makes you think how life was before this person ever fell in front of your eyes. Makes you wonder if things would ever be the same after them. Some people get lucky, like myself, to fall in love with these people and get to have a magical experience one that you would think was only possible in movies. A love that is indescribable to others and a passion so intense you feel like your heart is on fire when you see their face or hear their voice. If you are ever lucky to find someone like i did like that, chase them, hold them tight and never let them go. Don't miss out any chance you may have because ut may never come again. The love may fade or you or them can ruin things  with this person you love so much. It will feel like a piece of you is always missing with them gone and it could feel like someone you knew all your life is gone. Don't miss out on chances with the ones you love so all you have left are memories.

Diana Rose Elsher

A/N: Not my quote. Found it on Pinterest

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