Chapter 13

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"A broken heart heals when we allow the healing to go as deep as the wound went." Beth Moore

"Bet you 5 pounds you can't do a backflip."

"Only 5 pounds? You are a millionare, dude." 

"Well I don't want to lose it if you can't do one, y'know." He told her, leaning back on the sofa seats. 

"Well I can do one, just for your information." The blonde hair girl replied, settling down in the sun chair she had chosen. 

"Well you are just lying then." Harry countered back, smirking his infamous smirk.

"Wipe that stupid smirk off your face and quit staring at me." Lucy evoked, smirking. "And yes I can. I can do more backflips than you can, trust me on that one." She replied, the smirk only growing as she watched in satisfaction Harry's mouth dropping down the littelest bit.

He seemed to redeem himself quite quickly though and scoffed. "Yeah, as if. If you could, you'd show it." 

Rolling her eyes, Lucy got up, feeling a sudden surge of confidence. She made her way to Harry was now sitting, and sat herself opposite him. "And what would I get if I do show you that I can do a backflip and more?" She asked, letting her eyes roam around his face. 

The side of his lip curled up. "What do you want?" He asked, his voice suddenly turning husky. Or maybe it always had been, Lucy wasn't sure. 

Her lips mirroring his, she easily replied. "What are you willing to give?" 

"Depends on how good your backflips are." The rasp in his voice more prominent now. 

Lucy wasn't sure if it was her imagination but it suddenly felt like the two of them way too close. But it didn't scare her. If anything, it fueled the fire and the surge of confindence in her. "Yeah?" She questioned, smirking inwardly when she saw his throat move up and down in a swallowing motion. "What if they are very good and you love them and are very impressed by them? What do I get then?" She asked, letting her eyes trail on his lips before returning them to his stunning green eyes. 

The tips of their noses were barely touching, and Harry knew that if he moved any closer, he wouldn't be able to helo himself and close the gap between Lucy and him. "Then you get anything you like." He answered, his voice dropping into a whisper. 

"Anything?" Lucy asked, the tone of her voice innocent yet flirtatious and her eyes glinting in mischievousness.  

"Anything, baby." Harry confirmed, watching Lucy as she bit her lip, staring into his eyes. He wasn't sure if she had meant to do that, but it was enough to make him drive crazy. 

Lucy knew that she should stop now but there was something that just pulled her in about him. "Well, everyone deserves to see the show, hm? Why should you be the expectation?" 

"Cuz I can give you everything, darling." His voice was like honey and she was the butterfly who couldn't get enough of it.

"Sexist, isn't that?"

"Some ways, not in the ways I'm thinking." 

"I'm pretty sure I can give myself what you can give or I can just ask someone else. Naive of you to think I can't, baby."  

The air between them was tight and their eyes roaming eachother's, trying to find a clue of whether it was what they thought or was it just themselves imagining it. They were close now, very close. The butterflies in both of their stomachs were going crazy. 

"You sure they can give you what I can?"

"Pretty sure they can give me better." She loved seeing him getting all riled up. It was hot in a sense she'd never encountered. 

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