Chapter 3

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"If you have good friends, no matter how much life is sucking, they can make you laugh"

"Show me"





"You'll freak out."  Was the simple reason Diana gave her best friend as they walked towards her house. 

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows. "Why would I freak out?" She asked in wonder.


"That's not a good reason, DD." Lucy whined.

"I'll tell you if I get in contact with him, Lu. I prom-"

"IT'S A HIM?" Lucy shrieked. 

Diana sighed. "And you asked me why I wouldn't tell you. Anyways, see you tomorrow after karate?" Diana asked as they came to a stop to Lucy's house.

"Aww, damn. I can't tomorrow, Bambi." Lucy replied with a sad expression on her face. 

Diana inwardly sighed. "Why not?" She asked, mirroring the sad expression on Lucy's face.

Her voice dropping down to a sad whisper, Lucy replied "Grandma's getting worse. We need to go there and say our goodbyes" 

"Oh I'm so sorry, Luce." Diana whispered, wrapping her friend into a hug. "I'm so sorry"

"It's okay. Everyone has to die sometime, I guess." A sniffling Lucy replied.

"I'm just a call away if you need me, you know that."

"I know, DD, I know." Lucy whispered, wondering what she ever did to earn a friend like Diana. 


Diana was roaming around in her bedroom, pretty bored when the phone rang. Thinking it was her own phone and that it was Lucy calling (since she didn't have anyone else call her) , she picked it up as she normally did. "Secret Agent Diana here. State your mission, please" She said into the phone, expecting Lucy, or her Dad or someone else to reply. What she did not expect was a male voice, deep saying:

"Where's Louis?"

Only then did Diana take the phone away from her ear to look at it and swore out loud when she realized it was not her phone, But Louis'. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I'm Diana Rose Elsher someone Louis met on the plane. Louis accidentally left his phone on the plane so I took it for him. I apologise." Diana rambled, her face burning in embarrassment. 

"Wait what? That idiot left his phone on the fucking plane? And you fucking took it?" The voice on the other end of the phone said. Well, more like screamed. 

"Well, I apologise, sir, but I didn't quite have any intentions to do anything with it. I was actually thinking of returning it." Diana replied, a bit angry of the stranger who was screaming at her. He didn't even know her yet he just assumed she was one of those people who'd snoop in other people's phones. 

"Was actually thinking." The voice mocked her. 

Diana was trying to remain calm but the man on the phone making it quite hard for her. "Listen, if you don't believe me, why don't you ask Louis?" 

"Don't you worry, I will do just that." He retorted and then "LOUIS!!!" 

"For fucks sake" Diana muttered, pulling away the phone away from her ear so she wouldn't get deaf. Dang, this boy has lungs, she thought to herself. Her future self of 0.5 seconds was very grateful since seconds later she heard a "YEAH, HAZZA?" through the phone. God, how loud were these two? She thought, shaking her head. 

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