Chapter 1

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"People with good intentions make promises. People with good character keep them."

"I'll see you there then." 


"Bye." He said and hangs up. 

Diana put her phone on airplane mode just in time for the announcement and cheered inwardly at that for herself. The pilot introduced himself and went on about how he was happy to be flying with the passengers and blah blah. Zoned out, having heard this speech plenty of times, Diana focused on her surroundings. It was quite peaceful here seeing that her Dad picked the first class seat for her, even when she told him that she'd be perfectly fine with the normal economy one. The maple-haired girl glanced beside her and observed that the person who should probably be there isn't, so maybe, just maybe, she might be able to enjoy this flight in peace. Her thoughts were cut short when a person, a boy to be clear, rushed in, apologising for his late arrival, making a big show of apologising to the flight attentdent about how his fans held him up and then how his car "broke down". He probably didn't even need to do that though since the flight attentdents were all making love eyes at him. He had a knowing smirk plastered on his face cuz he knew what he was doing and cuz it seemed to be working. Cocky bastard , she thought to herself. His voice felt fimiliar and as if  she's heard it somewhere before but her brain was not able to place it from where and after a while of racking her tired brain for answers, she left it be and took out the book she'd brought with herslef just in case she wouldn't be able to sleep. Taking out her transparent reading glasses, she made herself comfortable just as someone sat right beside her. On the empty seat beside her. She turned her head slightly to glance at the intruder and her eyes widened slightly in recognition but she regained her composure when she remembered why she was mad at this "asshole". She didn't particularly care if he's famous or not. To the brown-eyed girl, he's just an asshole who was "late" and then flirted with the flight attentdants just so he could get away with it. And trust her, she was completely aware of how bitchy she sounded in her brain right now. 

"'Ello love" He said as he flung himself into the seat beside her. 

"Hi" She replied back, not wanting to seem rude. Though she probably did seem rude seeing that she hasn't once looked at his direction and was probably making the worst expressions at him. Groaning inwardly, she decided to herself that she needs to stop acting so uncivil and basically like a grumpy 3-year old. This guy just met her and the first impression she was giving him would probably put her late mother at shame. She sighed out loud and re-starts the conversation. "Hi. Sorry if i'm being a bitch. The jet lag makes me cranky" She said, giving him a apologetic smile.

"Oh trust me, babes, I know" He replied, laughing. "I've probably got the 5 star experience of that" He continued, snickering, the crinkles by his eyes being prominent as he does. He looked quite nice-looking and adorable in some way.

"Oh, yes of course you do" She said, joining his light laughter. "Also, unfortunately, i'm not your babes" 

"Oh I know. Would you like to be, though?" He counterd back quickly, winking. 

She faked a gag and retorted "In your dreams" while opening her book to the page she'd bookmarked. Well, let's all be honest, someone as lazy as her just folds the corner of the page over.

The dirty blonde-haired boy feigned a hurt expression but seemed to remember who he is as he cockily replied back. "There are people lining outside this damn plane to be with me, you know?" He said, smirking.

"Oh, trust me I know Mr. Popstar" she answered, murmuring and rolling her eyes, ever so slightly annoyed at his cockiness. 

"Well that's very go-" Mr. Popstar stopped talking suddenly as he actually took in what she just said. "Did you- did you say "Mr. Popstar"? He questioned, surprise covering his entire face, a complete opposite to what it was mere seconds ago. 

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