Chapter 6

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"The marks humans leave are too often scars."
 John Green 

"This town is literally like a charming children's story book, Coco! You've lived hered your whole life?" Louis asked Diana, as they made their way somewhere. Harry had called stating that he needed to come back in an hour because he wasn't sure if he could handle lying to Paul anymore.

"Yep. Well, except the last two years. I was in Paris for studying." Diana replies, throwing away her cup of shake they had ordered after roaming around for some more time. She crouches down, indicating for Louis to hop on her back when she notices Louis limping.

He hopped on to her back, muttering a "thank you" in her ear. "Your parents must've missed you, no?" Louis questioned, frowning when Diana stiffens. 

"Well, my mother probably would've, it's hard to tell when she's not alive." She replies, continuing their way God knows where. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Diana." Louis whispers.

"It's okay. She's in a better place now." And Louis can hear the small smile in her voice. "And I really don't think my dad would care even if I went to the other end of the globe." She continues, giving a dry laugh. 

"What do you mean? He's your father, why wouldn't he care?" Louis continues questioning, sliding off her back, as Diana stops at the harbour like place. 

"He's a narcissistic." She shortly answers. "One day, you'll have the opportunity to know all about me, Mr. Popstar, but right now, it's your day. Come on, we can watch the sunset." Diana says, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the dock. 

"This is very peaceful

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"This is very peaceful." Louis mumurs when they both are seated comfortably on the edge of the dock, with their feet in water and shoes and socks at the side. 

"Yep. I often come here if I want quiet and peace." Diana quietly says, lying down, her eyes admiring the sky's orange and purples shade. She never knew how it created all these different shade of beautiful colours every day, but some secrets were best left alone. Some of the most beautiful things in life were best left untouchable, like a person without makeup and the sky. 

Louis hums in agreement, and scooches back so he is now laying down with Diana. After a few moments, he can't help but speak what's been nagging his mind this whole time. "Diana." He calls out, continuing when he hears Diana hum to indicate that she's listening, "What does your father do? I'm seriously starting to wonder if you are a secret superstar, just hiding in this little town so your fans don't mob you or something." Louis says, chuckling. 

Diana giggles, not sure why Louis is suddenly curious. "You are asking me if I'm rich?" She states, not quite believing it. 

Louis is hesitant before answering. "Umm, yes." His statement is more like a question than an answer but Diana continues.

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