Chapter 16

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"A real friend is the one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." Walter Winchell

"DD, what the actual fuck." Were the first words to leave Louis' mouth. "Are you alright? Who's that man?" Were the second.

In all of this commotion, Diana hadn't noticed the sound of the door opening or closing and now, here stood Louis in front of her. His blue eyes looked concered and his expression was as confused as he felt. He'd gotten off a bit early and had thought of surprising Diana but when he'd heard people yelling from the inside he'd gone to check if everything was alright. But judging by the hand imrpint on Diana's cheek, nothing was alright.

 "I'm fine, Tommo. And that man is no one you should think about twice, to be honest. He's no one." Diana said, taking down her hair so it would shield her cheek.

 "He's obviously someone since he fucking hit you." He retorted as he followed Diana to her room. "Diana, what's going on." He asked softly as Diana went into her closet.

"Louis, stop. Stop pretending you care.  You are gonna leave the next week and then you're gonna forget about everything so stop pretending to care. Let's just stay the way we were before, okay? You didn't see anything about what just happened." Diana replied, trying to keep it together. Too much was happening and if she didn't stop talking she'd break down right here, right now. And why the hell did Louis care so much. 

Louis was perplexed. "I can't just forget what happened." He said, trying to make sense of the situation. 

Diana clenched her jaw. "You can and you will." She stated as firmly as she could. "Can we hang out some other day, Lou?" She asked, turning around to face Louis. Her vision was blurry. This was the worst timing anyone could've come.

"Bambi...." Louis softly said, slowly moving towards her. He didn't know what was going on, but he wouldn't leave without knowing. "We can, but I'm right here if you need me." He softly told her, backing away slightly when she flinched as he came a bit too close to her. "We can just laze around in your room?" He suggested when he realized that Diana probably wouldn't want to go anywhere.

Diana was quick to shake her head. "No. No, um w- we can go somewhere else, but not here." Her eyes were pleading with him as if she'd rather be anywhere but here, in her own house. Louis didn't understand why though. And it was good he didn't, because if he had, the night would've probably not ended as it did.

Louis quickly rushed to her, being mindful to keep a bit of distance between them so she'd be comfortable. "That's okay, darling. We don't have to be here if you don't want to." He told her gently." We could go back to our hotel if you want to?" He asked, reaching his hand out to her shoulder. This time Diana didn't flinch, just nodded. "Progress. We're making progress." He thought to himself. "Do you want to put something on, Bambi? It's cold outside." 

Diana nodded numbly, but made no move to move herself. Louis knew it was time to take matters into his own hands. "Diana, sit on the bed, love. Let me just get you your hoodie, okay?" Again, Diana nodded and slowly walked towards her bed. Once Louis was sure she was safely on there, he turned around to her closet and quickly began the search of her hoodie. 

"They're on the far left, Lou."

He was so focused that he almost didn't hear Diana telling him. He quickly turned around to thank her and moved to the left side and as she'd said, there it was. He quickly took out a random one and put the hanger back. "Here you go, darling." He said, handing her the hoodie.

"Thank you." She softly said, taking the hoodie from him.  It was weird having someone else than Lucy in her room or someone was comforting her other than Lucy. She couldn't remember the last time any one else than Lucy coming in here. 

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