Chapter 4

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"Friends pick us up when we fall, and if they can't pick us up, they lie down and listen for a while."

Louis sighed, typing in Harry's password to open the phone app and dialed the latest contact. It rang three times before he heard a chirpy "Secret Agent Diana here. State your mission, please."greeted him. Louis unconsciously  smiled. Hearing Diana's voice bought a strange comfort to him. To him, it felt like home. A feeling he rarely got unless he was with his family or with the boys. 

Picking at his nails, Louis mumbled a "Hi, Diana." into the phone. 

"Hi Lou! What's up? Are you guys ok, by the way? I heard a crash before." She asked, concern lacing her voice. 

"He might've broken my knee or something when I was trying to get the phone from him, I don't know, Coco." Louis says, sighing into the phone. "I kicked him out of the room."

"You kicked him out, Lou? But I thought you said he broke your leg or something." Diana said, in an attempt to cheer him up or at least make him smile. It worked.

"No, you silly goose, not like that." Louis said, laughing lightly.

"However did you even end up doing whatever you did to your knee, Lou?" Diana asked, amused while making her way down to the hall of her house. 

"I was trying to get the phone from him so I could talk to you so he ran to the bed, and i jumped on him in an attempt to take it out of his hands, but then he rolled down on the floor and I landed under him and I don't even know how, but his elbow hit my knee and now it's all purple and weird. He was being such a dick though! Said you were a gold digger and some other stuff too." Louis ranted into the phone. 

"Feel better now?" Diana asked, smiling, knowing that he hadn't meant to rant but it had slipped out. 

"Emotionally, a little, yes. Physically not so much. My knee still hurts." Diana could pratically see him pouting. Suddenly, she got an idea. "I could come over if you want to."

"Wha-? Come over? Right now?" Louis asked uncertainly.

"Yup." Diana said, popping the "p". "Only if you want to, though." She quickly added. 

"Actually, I think, I would rather come over at your's. I need to go out before I blow up on Harry."

"Of course, Lou. If that's what you feel more comfortable in doing. I'll text you the address?" 

"Yep. Wait, add my number to your own phone just in case." Louis said before he forget. He had a tendency to forget things.

"I need your password to do that, Lou." Diana replied, pointing out the obvious. 

"Well, it's my mother's birthday. 250373 (A/N: 25 march 1973 if u r wondering.) Louis groaned, putting his head in his hands when he heard Diana go "awwwww" on the other end of the line. 

It was silent on the phone for a few minutes, neither Diana or Louis saying anything. Just a comfortable silence which was broken by Diana. "Well, I've messaged you, see ya soon, then, Popstar. By the way, my chauffeur will pick you up. Wouldn't want you getting lost, I'd have my eyeballs taken out by your fans." Diana jokingly said before hanging up the phone, leaving Louis amazed. 


40 minutes later, Louis was sitting on Diana's kitchen top, looking around the house while she rummanged the freezer drawer to find an ice pack. "Aha! I knew it was somewhere there. Here Luigi, heads up." She told Louis before throwing the ice pack at him which he skillfully catched, might he add. 

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