Chapter 11

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"We didn't realize we were making memories. We just knew we were having fun." 

Louis had arrived quite late at night and slept late, so it was only normal that he was grumpy in the morning. The other boys teased him, saying he was on his "man-period" while Harry tried his best to keep quiet about why Louis was behaving as such, and told them to knock it off to which Louis responded with a quiet "thank you". 

Paul had woken them up at 7 AM, saying they needed to get up or they'd be late but when Louis had protested and gone back to sleep, he'd been woken up by a rather loud airhorn, which only added to his grumpiness. Right now, it was 11 AM and their stylists were deciding on last minute outfits incase anything came up. He'd almost dozed off when someone called his name. 

"Louis! This is the third time I've called your name!" It was Sara, their stylist who'd called his name and Louis would've said "sorry" or even given an apologetic grin but he couldn't be bothered to. Quitely making his way to her, he yawned and waited patiently till she was done looking through the clothes and asking him to try some of them on. He zoned out, his mind too tired to comprehend or even process whatever was happening until he heard a new voice join. 

"Guys! I come bearing gifts!" It was Perrie, Zayn's new girlfriend. It'd been a few months since they'd started dating, but from the way they acted around each other, you'd think they were dating since the beginning of everything. 

"Babe!" Zayn cheered, as he pressed a sweet kiss on his girlfriend's cheek. "You didn't tell me you were coming!" He said, taking the things from her hand. 

"Sara texted me, saying you lazy asses needed some energy." She chuckled.  

"Heyyy! I'm not lazy!" Harry exclaimed, from his spot in front of Emma, who sharply told him to keep his body in one place if he didn't want random needles pinching him. 

"She also told me that Tommo probably needs coffee." Perrie continued, pretending to ignore Harry's remark. 

At the sound of his nickname and coffee in the same sentence, Louis brightened up like a child on Christmas and scurried over to Perrie, ignoring Sara, who let out a string out curses in Italian. He grabbed the cup that was labeled "Tommo" from Perrie's hands and quirked an eyebrow. "With milk?" He asked. 

"With milk, Tomlinson." Perrie said, laughing when she saw Louis light up. 

"Pear, did you bring snacks?" Niall asked, from the corner of the room where he sat with Liam. 

"Yes Nialler, I did." 

"Good, because I'm very hungry. Can you believe that they didn't even let us eat?" Niall exclaimed, rushing over to Zayn. "Like, what kind of monsters do that?"

Louis blocked them all out, now at peace with his coffee. He returned to Sara, telling her "sorry" and gave her a quick hug. She just chuckled, having been used to this a long time ago and told him to turn around so she could measure his pants. 


"Hi Luce! How are you?" Diana said into the phone as she tried fixing her hair into something presentable. 

"Hi DD." Even though Lucy was in another town, Diana could hear the emptiness in her voice. 

"What's up, Lu?" She asked. settling down on her bed. 

"She passed away." Was all Lucy said before Diana heard sniffles. 

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