Chapter 14

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A/N: Pic's got nothing to do with the chapter, it did make me laugh tho so-

"It takes a great deal of courage to see the world in all its tainted glory and still love it."  Oscar Wilde

"OI! Lovers! Get on the boat or I'll literally leave you in middle of nowhere." Diana shouted from the deck of the boat.

"We are not lovers! We just met!" Lucy shreiked from the water. "And you wouldn't dare to leave precious popstar here." She scoffed, taking a hold of the ladder that was hanging from the boat. 

"You're right, I wouldn't, but doesn't mean I can't scare him with it." Diana muttered, making her way to the steering wheel. "All on board?" She called out loudly so everyone heard her. 

A chours of "yes"s followed her question, but just to double check, she decided to call out their names. Hey, she didn't want to end up in a dramtic newspaper with some dramatic headline. "I'm going to call out your names guys, so just settle down. Curly?"



"Yes ma'am!"


"He's napping on the sofa." Niall answered, as he took a seat beside Lucy who immediately questioned Zayn's sleeping abilites.

Harry let out a long, tired sigh. Not tired of Lucy's question, but because of the exhaustation of their schedule. "These past few days have been exhausting." He explained, his eyes closed and his head on Lucy's shoulder.

"Yep, this was supposed to be a break but everyday there's something new they want us to do. It's as if they forget that we're human too." Niall piped in, now laying his head on Lucy's legs.

"Well, to be honest, to them you are nothing but another customer." Lucy said, stealing some strawberries from Liam. "And I don't think anybody in the industry cares about if you're tired or not. To them, it's all about money."

"There's nothing I hate more about this job than just that fact." Liam breathed out, laying down on the sofa.

"Well I hope at least this day gave you some type of relaxation." Diana softly said. 

Niall laughed. "Oh trust me, it did more than that. It's one proper day we've had off and I couldn't have asked better people to spend it with." His blue-green eyes shone with nothing but sincerity and Diana immediately noticed something very similiar about the boys. Whenever they spoke, it was with nothing but sincerity and kindness. 

"Honestly, couldn't have asked for anyone better." Harry spoke, his eyes wandering towards Lucy who sat there, oblivious to his stare. 

Diana chuckled at her friend's obliviousness and remembered what she really was doing. "Tomlinson?" 

"Right beside you." 

Diana yelped. "Flipping hell, scared the shit out of me!" She said, with a hand on her heart to somehow steady it. "It's not funny!" She whined when she saw Louis laughing on the floor. 

"Yeah it is, Bambi." He replied in between laughs. 

"I hate you."

"No, you don't, Plane Girl." 

"Plane Girl?" Lucy and Diana asked in unison.

"I met you on a plane. And you're a girl, as far as I know." Louis replied, taking a seat beside Liam. 

"Fair enough." Diana shrugged. "Just gonna to get Zayn." She asked looking at the exhausted boys and Lucy. They looked adorable, all snuggled up with each other, eyes drooping with sleep. Diana made a mental note to take a picture of them afterwards. 

"I'll come." Liam said, rubbing his eye as he got up from his seat. 

"I hope you guys had a good time." Diana whispered, as they made their way out.

"The best." Liam whispered. "Can't wait to have more of these days with you two, to be honest."

Diana chuckled. "We'll see." She answered, as they reached where Zayn was sleeping. Diana gently shook him. "Zayn, let's go inside, you'll freeze otherwise." 


"This might be the first time he's awake at the first try." Liam muttered to Diana. "Mate, let's gp inside or otherwise you'll freeze." He said louder to Zayn who was rubbing his eyes, attempting to rub the sleep out. 

"Come on. You can hop on my back." Diana offered, crouching down. 

"Hey, I can carry him just fine." Liam said quickly. 

"Never said you couldn't." She countered back. "You are tired and this is supposed to be your day off. Let me do it."

Liam huffed. "Fine, only because I'm tired though." 

Diana hummed. "Come on Z. You guys need to go back to the hotel too." She gently said. Zayn just nodded, hopping on Diana's back, immediately snuggling his head into  her shoulder.

Making their way inside, Diana noticed that eveyone had gone to sleep. She told Liam to carry Zayn to the sofas and that they both should sleep too. "I'll wake you up when we're there. You rest."

Liam didn't argue. "Thank you." He said, hugging her. 



"So, I'm assuming they had fun?" That was Paul's first question as soon as Diana had reached the dock and thrown down the anchor and tied the boat. 

"I mean, they said they did, so I'll take their word for it." Diana laughed. 

Paul sighed. "I'm sure they did. It's supposed to be their break but management's not treating it like one. I genuinely feel bad for waking them at 5 in the morning for a recording or some meeting. It's like, they work like almost everyday. And when they have a break, it's not even a proper one." He rambled, rubbing his head in frustration. 

"Hey. It's not your fault." Diana immediately responded, placing a hand on Paul's shoulder. "Their management sounds shit. But I know one thing for sure, they are doing what they love and they are going to keep doing it as long as they've got people who love and support them. These five are the most sincere and kind and down to earth people I've met, and trust me, if they hated it, they would've left." 

Paul smiled. "You are honestly one in a million, Diana. You'd make a wonderful assistant of their's." 

"Oh, I don't know about that." Diana snorted. "I can hardly keep track of myself, let alone 5 boys." 

"Think about it. I'm sure the boys would love having you with them."

"Really? I mean, we've known each other for like, a week at most, Paul." She said as she tightened the knot so they boat wouldn't float away. 

"I'm sure they would. Also, I'm not saying that you need to do it right now. Just tell me whenever and we'll look into it. Could be tomorrow, next month or next year. Your choice." Paul replied, standing on the dock. "And if you don't want to, that's also completely fine." He added, just so she knew that he wasn't forcing her to join.

Diana didn't know how to respond. It was hard seeing that one day she would absolutely love to join the boys on tour and see the whole world while hanging out with them but on the other hand, they had just known each other for a week and this was the first day they'd all spent together. "They seem like a lovely bunch of boys, but I don't really know." She answered at last. "I'll look into it."

"Take your time and thank you for today. God knows they needed it."

Diana smiled. "Anytime for them."

A/N: Ik ik, short chapter, is a filler and I'm sorry for that. I'll try to write more this following week. Love ya <333

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