Author's note

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Hi loves!
Thank you so much for choosing to read this book. You might know me, or might not know me. Not really important to be honest. I do hope you have a good time reading this book and keep in mind this is my first ever book.

Here are some other things you should keep in mind before reading:

* This book has taken insparation from a book at Quotev (it's basically Wattpad but not as strong.) The book's name is "You've Built Your Walls Too High" if you want to check it out which I will suggest you should cuz it literally changed my life. No joke. 

* I have planned out the book as much as i could and this book will solely be based around Diana (the main charachter) and the 1D boys' friendships. She will not be a love interest for any of the boys, unfortunately. 

* I'll try to make this book as realistic as possible with the things happened in 1D. Some things will be fiction and some will be not. Please bear in mind that i do NOT know any of the boys in real life and therefore, some information I have here will definitely be incorrect.

* Everytime i use a song, quote or anything else that doesn't belong to me i will tell you guys. Since it's not my work, i can't be taking any credit for it. I would feel bad since they weren't my thoughts and neither my words. I'll try my best to tell you where i took it from, be it Pinterest or some other Fanfiction. 

* There will be triggering subjects. I will obviously tell you guys if the chapter contains it or not.  Please do tell me if it makes you uncomfortable. I'll try my best to avoid but sometimes it will be necessary. 

* People are fiction in this book. Diana is fictional and so is her dad, bf, friends and everyone else. The characters are not based on anyone i know in real life, they are complete fiction (execcpt for 1D).

* I will most definitely update slowly. I will try my best to update as frequently as I can but i can't be sure. My motivation and self-confidence isn't the highest while writing which is partially the reason i deleted my previous book. 

* I am NOT a proffesional writer so my writing WILL be shit. 

* Hate towards anyone will not be tolerated. Be it a celebrity or someone in the comments section. Please do leave your negative thoughts outside while reading this book and be kind to everyone. Maybe you could even make someone's day :)

* This is a safe place. If you want to vent, talk to someone or just talk in general you are most welcome here. If i see someone being mean towards someone else, it wont be tolerated at all. 

* Do leave feedback if you'd like to. And vote if you want to. I will not force anyone to do so since it's everyone's free will. I am writing this book solely for fun and cuz i thought it will be a good idea. It isn't for views (well, partially-) or the comments or the love or votes. It's just for fun. 

* And last of all: enjoy this book. Read and enjoy this book and don't forget you are amazing and i love you all :)

Treat People With Kindness
With loads of love

- Louistomlinsonsmic

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