Part 2: Leaving Home

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"If she could put the hollow ache that haunts her into words, she would tell him "I miss the father you never were.""

John Mark Green 

This is not the first time I'm leaving,
but it definitely is the last.
For the first time in years,
I'm finally facing my fears.

I'm leaving you alone in this house,
where the memories haunt me.
This garden is not where I play now,
rather a sancutary. 

You'd say I'm running from my problems,
but I beg to differ.
I'm only getting away from your abuse,
I'm finally on the loose. 

I want to do what the people my age do.
Party, drink, be wild and all that stuff.
Why should I stay here and take care of you,
this is my cue.

See you some other time Dad,
the man who stole my childhood.
I hope you come to your senses and understand what you've done.
Until then, goodbye,
from the daughter who wished you had loved. 

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