Chapter 2

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"When I first met you, i honestly didn't know you were going to be so important to me"

The rest of the flight was spent with Diana trying to read the book and Louis constantly pestering her so that she could talk to him or something. Eventually, she gave up trying to read knowing that there was no way in hell she could read when that boy was beside her. They made up life stories for random people, judged them, ate some food/ snacks that Louis insisted that they buy. He also didn't let her pay which Diana got annoyed by, but he insisted that it was okay and that he would let her pay next time. She wanted to tell him that there probably wouldn't be a next time but kept her mouth shut not wanting to ruin anything. They had then played 20 questions and she'd gotten to know that he was 19 years old, lived in London, was very obviously in a band and was going back to London to meet up with the rest of the band. Meanwhile he'd got to know that Diana lived with her dad, was 17 years old, that she liked to dance (ballet) and was working in a salon as a hairstylist, loved reading books and was going back to London having finished her studies abroad.

 Right now, they were playing "Would You Rather", asking each other the most random questions ever. 

"Would you rather have toenails as your hair or toenails as your skin?" Louis asks, eating a peanut from the bag he'd bought.

She looks at him perplexed. "What the hell, Tomlinson?" She asks him, disgusted about how he could ask such a nasty question. 

"What?" Louis answers innocently, as if he asked this question to everyone he met. Which, knowing him in the short amount of time she had, he might as well have done.

"Oh my God, Louis." Diana says, snatching the peanuts from his hands, earning a "Heyyyy" from him to which she simply replies "Grow up".

"Answer the question." He orders, eyes twinkling in mischeviousness.   

"Absolutely not. My turn." She replies to him curtly. "Ummm, would you rather lose the abilitly to read or to speak"

"Easy, read. I would've asked someone else to read for me. I can't ask someone else to speak for me" He answeres quickly, as if he has thought about this his whole life and waited for this moment to happen. "Alright! My turn! Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear?" 

"Seriously?" Diana asks him, looking at him as if he has 10 heads.

"Yep" He replies back, popping the "p"

"I guess, the dancing one" she answers after some thinking. "Singing isn't the best of my abilities."

"Aww, I'm sure you are good, kiddo"

"Stop lying, Luigi" Diana snorts just as the flight attentdent comes around to serve their food they ordered. She zones out but does thank her and also for for Louis' too since he's just staring off in space but she leaves him be 'cuz he seems like he's in a really deep thought. But she should've known better.

"Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one, Coco?"

Oh boy......


The flight had come to an end and they had said their goodbyes, hugging each other, Louis cursing and rushing off the first class entrance, stating he had to hurry otherwise Paul would be mad. Diana really didn't want to admit it, but she didn't want him to leave. Sometimes, you meet a someone, and you just...... click. You are comfortable with them and you don't have you pretend around them. Meeting Louis was like that. Something about him made her wanna spill her deepest of hearts desire and secrets and tell him what she was thinking and tell him her past and just, stay with him.

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