Chapter 7

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"We'd all be happier if we just forgot the past."

"Interesting afternoon?" Harry asked, wiggling his eyebrows when Louis flopped down beside him on the couch. 

"Very." Louis answered dreamily causing Harry to snicker. Only then did Louis understand what that cheeky bastard had meant. "Not in that way, you man whore! She's younger than you, Harry!" Louis exclaimed, swatting him which only caused Harry to laugh even more. 

"Sure." Harry replied, dragging out the word. 

"Harold." Louis warned him jokingly, his blue eyes sparkling with happiness. "Anyways, what do you think about hanging out with the boys and Diana tomorrow? Sunbathing, swimming, eating, relaxation and being on a boat?" He asked, leaning back and stealing some of Harry's fries.

"That's a dream, Tommo." Harry replied, snorting. 

"Only, it's real." Louis replied, contentedly. "Diana offered us to come to her house so we can hang out with her and do all that stuff. One day without worrying about anything." 


"Cross my heart and hope to die, Curly." 

"Then I'm in, mate!" Harry replied, joyfully. "One question, how do we get Paul to agree?" 

"Well." Louis drawled. "If he doesn't agree, we could always go back to the good ol' "One Direction vs Security." Louis causually responded. Them running away from their bodyguards when they didn't agree to something that the boys wanted to do, was normal. Sometimes, Liam would try to stop them, but most of the times, even he was in. So much for Daddy Directioner. 

Harry smiled. "Sure, Tomlinson. Text the boys?" Harry asked, handing him his phone. 

"You got it." Louis replied winking as he started typing. 

"So, what did you do with Diana?" Harry questioned as he took in Louis' attire. His pants were covered in grass stains, hair was tousled as if he'd had ran in the wind, and his face and arms, suntanned. And lastly, he had this stupid grin as he heard the question. 

"Well, we talked and then she sorted out my knee and then she carried me through her quaint town." Louis replied, putting emphasis on the word "carried". 

"She carried you?" Harry asked, bewildered. A girl, younger than him, carried Louis William Tomlinson? 

"Yes, Curly! She has a better six pack than you! I swear on my life!" Louis said, laughing once he took in Harry's confused expression. "Like I was no heavier than a backpack! And then she bought me ice-cream, told me funny stories, continued with the little town tour and then we sat on a dock and talked some more while watching the sunset."

"Aww! How romantic!" Harry teased Louis. 

"She's younger than you, Harold." Louis said smiling, repeating what he had said earlier. 

"What does she look like?" Harry asked curiously. He'd been dying to know what she looked like the second she had started talking to him on the phone. 

"She's adorable." Louis said, taking his phone out so he could show Harry Diana. Opening his camera roll, he clicked on the latest picture he had taken, his mouth unconsciously curving up as he gave his phone to Harry so he could look. 

Harry smiled when he saw how happy Louis looked in the photos before his eyes shifted to the dark-brown haired girl who was standing beside him, looking equally as happy. She was definitely photogenic, that was for sure. Her brown hair, which was tied up in a half ponytail, looked no longer than her shoulders. She had olive skin-tone, her eyes hidden by her ray-bans and her nose was a delicate small shape. A button nose, but without the "button" part. She was smiling as bright as Louis, their smile mirroring each other's. Somehow, this was exactly what Harry had pictured her like. As if she shouldn't look like anything or anyone else. 

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