Chapter 12

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"Memories with the right people will always remain priceless."  - Kylen Poetry. 

"Lu! You're supposed to be on my team!" Diana whined as the blonde haired girl just laughed.

"We are always in the same team!" Lucy yelled as she ran behind Harry to protect herself from her bestfriend who was running towards her with full speed.

"Harry, save me!" Lucy dramatically shouted, squealing as she felt cold water splash on her back. 

"Harry don't you even dare!" Diana exclaimed, running after her best friend, both of them laughing as Diana finally tackled her down in the shallow water.

After a few minutes of just laying down on Lucy, Diana got finally got up and held out her hand for Lucy to get up to who took it without asking. 

"I'll go ask Andrew about the boat, you stay here with them." Diana told Lucy, who simply nodded and jogged her way towards the boys. 

Louis had called Diana as she and Lucy were doing each other's hair,  begging that she talked to Paul and assured him that they boys wouldn't die so they would be allowed to come here by themselves. Diana had laughed, but then talked to Paul and assured him that she'd keep an eye on all of them and would make sure they didn't die. Paul had been skeptical at first, and rightfully so, but once she told him that she'd text him the address, her number and their plans and would immediately call him if there was any emergency, he'd given in. He'd ended the call with a "just warning you, they are literal 5 year olds in the bodies of adults" to which Diana had just laughed and told him that she wouldn't doubt it. Once the phone had been handed back to Louis, there were a chours of "thank you"s and "we owe you one" and "we love you so much" and Diana had just snorted, telling them "you're welcome" and reminding Louis to text him once they were here. 

Once they had arrived, the boys couldn't (and still hadn't) stop gushing about the town and how "Disneyland" esque it was and Lucy couldn't stop gushing (silently) that her and Diana were hanging out with the One Direction. Diana had just rolled her eyes good naturedly and had gone to hang back with Paul as she showed the license for boat driving and it had been up to Lucy to show them around. And she'd done an excellent job at it, considering  she was freaking out inside. But once the initial shock had been over, she'd realized that they were all just like normal teenagers. With very nice singing voices and extremely good looks, but that didn't change the fact that they were teenagers and a lot like Diana and herself. 

 It had taken a good amount of time to get to the harbour, but not because of the usual reasons. There were no fans around, but the boys would get distracted by every little detail. And also because Louis had still been limping, but he'd gotten tired and asked Paul if he could carry him and poor Paul didn't have any other choice than to carry the 19 year-old man child on his back. 
Eventually, when they did reach the harbour, Paul had inspected the boat and left with a "Whatever happens, don't leave them in the middle of the sea!" to which the boys had responded with a chours of groans and sighs of disbelief. Despite them acting like children, Louis almost drowning, Liam shouting at him while the others and Diana tried not to laugh, Niall dropping his sandwich in the water and sulking about it, and Zayn being reluctant about going in the water, they all were having a spectacular time. Diana couldn't remember the last time she had had this much fun. Sure, she and Lucy had days to themselves where they would just roam around, doing nothing and having fun together, but it would get dull and repetitive. By no means was Diana saying that she didn't like hanging out with Lucy, because it was the exact opposite. She loved Lucy so much but she could only offer so much company. And Diana didn't feel bad about thinking this, because she knew Lucy was thinking the same thing. 

"Drew!" Diana cheered as she finally spotted a white haired man behind the counter.

Laughing, Andrew shook her hand. "Hi Diana!" He replied, with equally as much enthusiasm. 

"So, I need to borrow a boat." She stated, grinning. 

Andrew raised an eyebrow, because the last time Diana had asked this was three or something years ago. "Oh really?" 

 "Don't look at me like that!" She groaned. "I do have other friends, y'know." The brown haired girl huffed. 

"Ain't said a thing, sweetheart." Andrew replied, grinning. 

Diana only rolled her eyes, knowing he meant no harm. She asked if she could pick the boat to which Andrew nodded, and made his way out of the little house thing he was in and they made their way towards the boats. 

"So, what type you need?" Andrew questioned, looking at Diana who was looking around.

"Well, we are seven people, so like a small but not so big one." Diana answered.

"Ok, got it. Those are on the other dock, though."

Diana hummed as they turned around to go to the other dock, making light conversation, Diana asking him about his husband and life and him asking her about her life. Once they reached the dock, Diana immediately spotted the one she liked and asked the price for borrowing it. 

"Depends on how much you want to borrow it for, darling. For 1 hour it's 100 pounds." Diana lowly whistled at the price making Andrew laugh. "Gotta make a living somehow."

"I'll borrow it for 5 hours then." She nodded, realizing that it wasn't her own money she'd be spending. 

"500 pounds, thank you." Andrew told her, just as Lucy came running up to Diana, hugging her from behind. 

"Which one did you borrow?" Lucy asked, her bright blue eyes moving around to try and spot the boat her best friend had borrowed. 

"That one." Diana replied, pointing to a white boat with a small England flag on it. "I just transferred the money to you, Drew." She told Andrew, handing her phone to Lucy who took it.

"Thank you very much, sweetheart and have a fun time, you two." Andrew grinned handing her the key, before hurrying back to the counter in case another customer had come. 

Diana sat down in the dock bridge to remove the ropes of the boat which was tying it down so it wouldn't float away and Lucy immediately sat down too, helping Diana. 

"How much was it?" Lucy asked, her nimble fingers moving quickly and swiftly. 

Diana grumbled at a specific knot which didn't seem to open. "500" 

"Damn." Lucy breathed out, pulling the rope out and throwing them in the boat. 

"Don't worry, I paid from Troy's account." Diana told Lucy, sighing in relief once the ropes were finally done. 

"Your Dad's?" Lucy asked Diana, catching the ropes she threw in the boat before helping her on the boat. 

"Yes, Troy's." Diana firmly said, not wanting to refer her father as a "dad" because he had never been one. "It's the least he could do if he's gonna be a shit of a father." She continued, as she made her way to the steering wheel and put the key in ignition, smiling as it roared to life. 

"That's true." Lucy hummed in agreement. "Should I tell the others to come here then?" 

"Yes, thank you." Diana replied, her face full of gratitude. 

"Let's get this party started, bitches." Lucy cheered, ruffling Diana's hair, jumping off the boat before Diana could do anything. 

A/N: Quote taken from google. Sorry short chap, i'll try to make it longer nxt time (heheh, das what he said-) but i needed to hurry cuz i hadn't posted in so long, which i apologize for. Ilysm, and take care <3333

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