Chapter 18

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"Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong." Mandy Hale

"Hello, you've reached Dapper and Divine. I'm unable to come to the phone right now, so please leave your name and a short message after the beep, and I'll get back to you as soon as I possibly can. Thank you for your patience."

Diana sighed inwardly and began speaking after the beep sounded. "Hello Lana! How are you? I was just calling to tell you that I won't be able to make it today. I know it's on short notice but it was an emergency and I'm really sorry that I didn't inform you sooner. I hope you understand, though." She ended, clicking the hang-up button and laid back down on the bed. 

She hadn't gone to her job because she didn't have her work clothes because they were at her dad's house and there was no way in hell she was going back there. Maybe tomorrow when Lucy was free they could go there together. 

Stretching, Diana stood up. No one was in the house currently. The boys had to do some shopping for their tour and Lucy had gone back home and to her job at the dance school. So Diana was alone, and if she had to guess, she'd say that they all wouldn't be home anytime soon. So the question was, what exactly was she supposed to do. Looking around the room she was currently in, she realised just how messy it was. She could help and clean up the house and maybe then cook something for them. Yeah, that would occupy her for the time being. And maybe then she could take a look at some apartments. 

"Well then, let's get started." She said out loud, putting her hair in a makeshift bun. 


Two hours later, Diana was finally done with all the cleaning she thought the house needed. She'd cleaned the boys' rooms, washed their sheets, put on new ones, vacuumed the rooms, dusted the house and cleaned the patio. She'd then quickly showered to get rid of her sweaty body and now all she needed was to make some food. Yesterday, Harry and Lucy had gone grocery shopping so there were a lot of ingridients and things she could make. Rummaging through the cabinets, she settled on making alfredo pasta and some brownies, real ones. Frozen pizzas had also caught her eye, so she put them in oven to bake.

After putting on her favourite playlist of Arctic Monkeys, she looked through some recipes and took out the ingredients she needed. Fettuccine, shallots, butter, cream, cheese and some spices. Putting the fettuccine to boil with loads of salt, she took out a big pan to make the sauce in. She put it on low heat and started to chop the shallots. 

" Now I can't think of there without thinking of you
I doubt that comes as a surprise
And I can't think of anything to dream about
I can't find anywhere to hide" 

Diana's mind wandered off to Leo and France. Would've it all been different if it were in another lifetime? All she'd wanted was a bit of love, but all he'd given her was trauma. Truth was, they'd loved each other at first and were the definition of lovers. They would go on dates every week, and spend as much as time they could with eachother. He'd help her to learn french and once even took her to a date where they only talked french. He'd take her to stargaze, to shop and to game nights.  They'd fallen for each other fast and hard and for Diana, it was the best thing ever. She was finally getting the love she needed. And then he'd started drinking, and it'd all gone downhill from there. She'd blame it on the alcohol but why should she? He drank for fun. No one in their right mind drinks for fun every day. There was a reason he did it and Diana never found out the reason. 

" When I'm pipe and slippers and rocking chair
Singing dreadful songs about summer
Will I have found a better method
Of pretending you were just some lover?"

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