Chapter 17

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"We don't hang out with friends just to have fun, but to also make memories that will light up our loneliest days." Swagatika Behera

"Good morning, guys."

Liam's chipper voice was the first thing heard in the morning by the other four people that were camped out in the living room. 

"5 more minutes." Niall grumbled, turning around to bury his face in the pillow. "Not the curtains, Payno." He whined when the sunlight came through the blinds.

"Oh yes. It's almost 11, Nialler. We've got a free day today. Good morning Diana." 

"Morning Li." Diana replied in between yawns while stretching her arms. "Thanks for having me over." She continued. 

"Oh, that was nothing. It was our pleasure." Liam said, making his way to the kitchen. "Did you have fun?" 

Diana smiled at the thought of yesterday. "Loads." She replied, getting up and putting her brown hair in a loose bun. 

" 'M glad. I'm making coffee. Would you like a cup?" Liam asked, as he put the kettle on.

Diana denied the offer. "No thank you. I'm going to brush my teeth first if you don't mind. Plus, I drink tea." 

"You really are Louis' twin." Liam chuckled. "Anyways, if you go up, the first door to left is the bathroom and there should be a toothbrush in a packet there. And if you want to shower just tell us because I can call Harry so he can buy the stuff you need."

"Harry isn't here?" Diana questioned, folding the blanket the boys' had given her the night before.

"Nope. He said he was going to the grocery store to buy some stuff. Pretty sure I heard him calling Lucy too." He answered, smirking slightly. 

Diana laughed. "50 pounds they'll get together after a month."

"Yeah, no I would not bet on that, Li." Louis butted in, coming into the view as he rubbed his eyes. His hair stuck out in all directions, and his shirt was all wrinkly and his blue eyes were droopy.

"Morning, Lou."

"Morning Bambi. You feeling better?" 

Diana stretched once again. "Loads. Just gotta to take a shower and I'll feel better than ever. I'll message Lucy the stuff." 

Liam nodded, smiling. "You do that. Can you also ask how far away they are? Gotta start preparing breakfast."

Diana agreed, taking out her phone to craft a message to Lucy as she made her way upstairs to the bathroom. Soon enough a reply came, showing a picture.

Wifey Boo💍❤:  Good morning DD! Harry says hi (he's adorable 🙈) and we'll be home in 15 mins with your stuff and some breakfast items, I promise!! Love u loads!

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Wifey Boo💍❤:  Good morning DD! Harry says hi (he's adorable 🙈) and we'll be home in 15 mins with your stuff and some breakfast items, I promise!! Love u loads!

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