Chapter 15

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A/N: Never thought I'd make to chapter 15 if i'm being completely honest with u. Fanks for sticking with meh so far. Also, the picture was cool so and the quote's from Google.

"A good father is a guiding light, but mine just left me lost in the shadows of my own insecurities." 

"Fridays are charity days, Popstar. No can do." Diana said into the phone as she balanced the car keys, numerous bags of food, her shades, and her purse in her hands. This task hadn't been as difficult 2 minutes ago as it was now, when her phone had suddenly started ringing. Now, she had her phone stuck between her ear and shoulder as she tried to take all the things she could in one trip, all while she talked to Louis.

It had been two weeks since the boys last had properly talked to or seen Diana. They all tried to talk daily, but it was hard considering their schedule. It was mainly between rehearsal breaks or at night time they were able to talk freely. But even then, either it was soon time to go back, or one of them would be too tired to even talk. To say the boys were dying to meet again was an understatement. So, Louis had taken it upon himself to schedule a day for them all together, but so far, it wasn't working so well.

"Oh come on! One day won't do anything." Louis said, almost whining. 

"Tomlinson, I'd love to, but that's something I can't miss." Diana said, closing the car door, hearing Louis sigh in the phone. 

"Well shit." He finally replied. "Seems like we'll have to wait another week because I don't think I have any other day free." 

Diana felt a bit bad because she really did want to hang out. "I'm sorry, Tommo." Diana sighed as she opened the front door, racking her brain trying to think of a day when she could be free. "Are you free today then?"

"We get free around 11 PM, why?"

"We could hang out then, if you want." Diana suggested as she put her phone on speaker. 

"Isn't that a bit late for hanging out?"

Diana raised an eyebrow at him even though he couldn't see her. "Friends hang out whenever they want, Popstar." She stated as she started putting the food away.

"You consider me a friend now?" She heard Louis ask and she swore she could almost hear him smirk. 

"Yes, Lou I do. Or I probably wouldn't be talking to you right now." 

"Well I'm honored, Bambi." 

Diana snorted raising a middle finger towards the phone. "I'm flipping you off right now, just so you know." She informed him remembring how they couldn't see each other. 

"Well I'm flipping you off too. I gotta go now though."

"Oh, okay! See ya afterwards then!" 

"Yep, see you then, love." 

Diana smiled lightly as she hung up the phone. It felt nice to talk to someone without worrying about what their intentions were. Sure, he was a superstar and would probably forget her the second they left for tour, but it was still nice knowing he was as geniune and nice as people made him to be. It was hard to explain, but Louis and the other boys felt like normal teenagers despite the fame. It was truly a wonder how they hadn't got big headed. 

"Good evening Diana." 

A voice jerked Diana out of her thoughts and she turned around to see the man-she-was-supposed-to-call-a-father taking off his blazer. She was surprised because it was only 9 PM and he wasn't usually home till 11. 

"Good evening. You're early." She said once the initial shock was over. The tone of her voice cold and all the walls were up, guarding her.

"It's my home." Her Dad responded just as, if not more, coldly.

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