killer's day!

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                              {{ November 4th}}

        [Killer's pov]

         Honestly, there is nothing interesting in my life, I'm just a normal nerd who only thinks about his grades. A lot of people make fun of me, but I'm used to it and I don't care anymore.

Today was a new day and I had to get ready for school. I wake up and do my usual routine, get dressed, brush my teeth, eat, etc.

I went downstairs and greeted my mother and my little sister, they are both the sweetest people I have met on earth and I am so thankful for having a mom who supports me and loves me no matter what.

"Good morning!" I say hugging my little sister tightly as she giggles and plays around. She was almost 7 years old and is the most kind and sweet kid I have ever met!
"So how's school? Are you sure I don't have to call the teacher about those boys picking on you at school?" My mom says and I immediately blush in embarrassment "No! It's fine I promise! Don't call anyone.." I say that with a nervous laugh and try to ignore what she said. No matter what the guys do I will always keep it a big secret... it's just embarrassing.

"Anyway, I have to go or I'll be late again," I say with a sigh and get up, giving my mom and little sister a kiss before grabbing a sandwich and leaving out the front door.

After a few minutes of walking in the cold I finally arrived at school and got in my first class, which was math. I sat down in the back of the class and my friend immediately started babbling about someone "Oh my god! Have you heard about the new student? He looks so hot! I wonder how old he is..." She says seeming excited about this new guy.. she always found some guy to fan about, it was pretty funny honestly. 

''wait, wait! Let me show you a pic!'' she says scrolling on her phone quickly, finally, she found a pic and shoved the phone in my face.

He was pretty muscular and he had black hair and blue eyes "he looks scary.." I say while looking at the picture. "Huh? No, he doesn't! He looks hot! You could only find such men in magazines, I'm telling you!"  she says with a huge smile, it seems like she has already fallen in love..

"Okay girl..." I say while giving her a side eye, she gave me a loud dramatic gasp and turned away while crossing her arms "Ugh, how dare you! C'mon you have to agree that he is hot" and with that we ended our little conversion since the teacher barged in the class like an elephant, shouting at us all "I am so mad at all of you! How did you all get such bad grades in math?!? This test was so simple!!"

Silence fell over the room as the teacher's disappointment lingered in the air. While I smiled with pride over my well-earned A+, the bullies didn't share in my joy. As I excitedly shared the good news with my friends, I caught the bullies cold glares and whispers.

Their expressions weren't just unfriendly. It felt like they were thinking of some plan, their eyes fixed on me. Suddenly, the once-pleasant classroom atmosphere turned tense and uncomfortable.

I met their glares with a mix of embarrassment and nervousness. The air crackled with the unspoken tension between us, and it seemed like trouble might be right behind the corner.

I looked away nervously and stayed silent feeling them stare right threw me..

Finally, the bell rang and we were free to go, the tension slowly disappeared as the sound of people talking made me forget about the glares and nasty whispers.

As we walked to the next class the same bullies suddenly stepped in front of us, blocking our way.

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