The ride

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The ride to nowhere was pretty boring but mostly uncomfortable, Killer did everything to stop Nightmare but he kept touching him. His hand kept reaching out towards Killers thigh or hands, constantly wanting some attention or affection.

While they were driving Nightmare kept rubbing Killer's thigh and kept glancing towards him while driving, but Killer kept his gaze down and avoided eye contact as much as he could. This made Killer feel so uncomfortable and embarrassed, no one has ever touched him like this...

It was also really quiet, no music was on and Killer could only hear the car engine and Nightmare constantly mumbling something under his breath, this was a great time for Killer to think about his situation and try to think of a plan to escape. He thought about his family, wondering how his little sister is doing... is she still waiting for him to return? or did she already forget about him?...

Will he get killed?....

 will he EVER see his family again?...

The thought about dying made him brake down in tears and start crying uncontrollably, witch startled Nightmare and even made him stop by the side of the road, ''what's wrong? why are you crying?'' Nightmare asks keeping a close eye on Killer, what the hell just happened? ''um.. you ok?...''

Nightmare looked at Killer awkwardly obviously not knowing what to do with the crying kid. He looked around the car but nothing useful was in sight so he decided to continue driving hoping that Killer would eventually calm down by himself.

Killer kept sobbing quietly when finally Nightmare made a stop by the gas station and parked his car near the entrance of a small store "ill be right back sweetheart.." he says hopping out of the car and leaving into the store, hoping to find something to maybe calm Killer down. He couldn't stand seeing his baby cry.

Killer stayed there all alone, the car was locked once again and there was no one near by. He couldn't forget the sight of Diana's body... the blood and that freshly cut wound... it just traumatized him..

As he covered his face and wiped his tears away suddenly the drivers door shot open and Nightmare hopped back in, Killer flinched at the loud sound and looked towards Nightmare who was holding two warm sandwiches in his hands.

"Here, stop crying" he says handing one of the sandwiches towards Killer. He looked at it for a few seconds and then slowly took it, he had to eat something, and he was pretty glad that Nightmare decided to actually feed him. It was kinda nice, kinda..

"Thank you..." he mumbles and sniffs quietly while holding onto the warm sandwich. Nightmare took one last glance at Killer and continued to drive, this time without any touching.

It was completely silent, Killer just slowly ate his sandwich and minded his own business when suddenly Nightmare spoke, "are you a virgin?" He asks looking at Killer. what?... Killer looked at Nightmare in shock, he seemed to be completely serious but it was so damn random.

A few seconds of uncomfortable silence passed by and Nightmare kept looking at Killer, waiting for an answer.. "w-well...umm... yes.." killer mumbled under his breath and looked away, why the hell did he suddenly ask that?

Nightmare gave a simple nod and said something quietly to himself, Killer didn't hear it but it was something along the lines of "not for long", but he wasn't sure. Killer didn't even understand why the hell Nightmare was so into him, he's just a random nerd in dept.. nothing special...


And finally, after those 3 hours of torture they have finally arrived to a cute wooden house. It was as huge and fancy as the other one but this house was in the middle of the woods.

Nightmare got out of the car and picked up Killer, he carried him inside of the house witch was really dark and cold, it seemed like no one has lived here for a long time. They both went to the bedroom and Nightmare sat Killed down on the bed, "there... its pretty cold in here.. you should go to sleep now..." he mumbles while gently stroking Killers head, glancing over the nasty bruise on his face.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you.."

 he looks at Killer gently, taking a good look at the bruising around his eye. Killer was a bit confused by the sudden apology, did he feel bad? Did he regret his decision?... so much question ran through his head, When suddenly Nightmare leaned in close, his cheeks flushing red as he gently kissed Killer on the lips, happy that his lover was safe with him.

 "I love you.." he whispers, Killer just shivered in disgust and turned away, disgusted by what just happened. Nightmare was not happy about that reaction, he grabbed Killers chin and made Killer look at him, "say it back... tell me you love me.." he whispers.

Killer obviously didn't want to do this but he also didn't want to get hurt again, so with a sigh he whispered back

"I love you too..."

A light chuckle escaped from Nightmares lips, this just made his heart jump in pride. He laid Killer down on the bed and tucked him under the cold blankets lovingly, he was being so nice and creepy right now. He grabbed onto one of Killers arms and tied them to the bed frame, Killer felt so creeped out as he had to be tied up like a dog once again.

"Sorry baby, I want to keep you save... you know?" He says with a chuckle and leaves a kiss on Killers forehead, "sleep tight" he whispers and leaves the room, letting Killer rest in peace.

And with that, he slowly fell asleep happy that this day has finally ended.

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