Little mouse

333 13 26

[3rd pov]

                                   Killer grabbed a few tools and left the house, as he started walking towards the house every step made his heart beat faster. He wasn't the guy to be misbehaving and doing crimes all the time, this was new and he was desperate. 

Killer inspected the area and walked into their backyard, this place was filled with expensive little decors and absolutely useless stuff.

He stood in front of the door and slid the lock-picking tools into the door, his hands shaking as he fidgeted with them.

he opened the lock on the door. Guilt hit him hard. His heart raced, and his hands shook with fear.

The door clicked open, but he froze. He couldn't go through with it. Images of his family struggling flashed in his mind, making him feel desperate. He knew this was wrong, but he also felt the pressure to help his loved ones.

As the door creaked. He hesitated, torn between doing what he knew was right and the urge to make things better for his family. His thoughts whirled, knowing he was at a crossroads that could change everything.

He finally stepped into the dimly lit house, eyes scanning the surroundings. The glint of valuables caught his attention. He felt a pang of guilt but also a rush of urgency to grab something that could solve his family's problems.

With trembling hands, he quickly pocketed a small, valuable item, hoping it would be enough to alleviate their financial strain.  He slowly walked around the house, his eyes shooting everywhere for any sort of person in there, but it was completely quiet.

He went upstairs slowly only hearing the floor creak beneath his feet and the clocks ticking on the wall. As he looked around the hallway he noticed a small bracelet on a table, so he quickly snatched it and put it in his bag.

Then all of a sudden a black figure appeared from behind him and Killer gets hit with a bat. The hallways filled with the sound of his screams and loud thud as he fell to the ground.

"Aw.. aw, fuck.." he mumbles to himself as he feels his back sting from the powerful hit.

"I thought you were better than this.." the man speaks his voice sounding oddly familiar.
Killer slowly turned his head around while grunting in pain... Nightmare?... he immediately felt guilty and looked away in shame, not only he knew the person he was stealing from, but it was also someone who helped him.

Nightmare stared down at Killer, his blue eyes shining in the dim light. "But.. I'm glad you here" he says with a soft smile hiding something.. Killer looks up at Nightmare, confused about his reaction, maybe he will forgive Killer for his horrible crimes? "I didn't have to do a thing, you came to me without a problem... and now"

"I won't let you leave"

He says staring down at Killer with lust, his smile spreading as he has finally received what he had wanted "W-what?.." he mumbles in fear as he looks up at the psychopath.

Nightmare raises his bat once again and with a swift motion he lands a powerful hit on Killer's leg, the room filling with a cracking sound and a scream filled with agony and fear...

A sadistic chuckle was heard from Nightmare as Killer cried out in pain and tried crawling his way out by pulling himself with his hands.
Nightmare slowly stepped closer holding the bat above his head, ready for another swing "Please.. don't... don't..." Killer mumbles in between sobs and whimpers, but Nightmare doesn't listen... and Killer receives another hit on his arm, also breaking it.

Without any other word, Killer's eyes closed shut and he laid on the ground unconscious and injured.




*ring ring ring.... ring ring ring..* Killer slowly woke up by the sound of a phone ringing, his body feeling paralyzed and hurt.. his eyes slowly and quietly scanned the room.

He was in a dirty basement, or even a chamber?... it had an awful odor and the floor was filthy...

He wanted to inspect more and find an exit but he refused to move, due to his broken arm and leg, as he quietly panicked to himself he heard the door unlock...

And there came in Nightmare, holding something in his hand...

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