day one...

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            Killer laid on the ground staring up at the cruel monster standing in the doorway. Nightmare had helped him at school and now he just broke Killer's bones and locked him up in the basement. Yes, Killer did deserve a punishment for his crimes, but this was too far.

Killer thought that the worst thing that might happen would be getting caught by the cops. But no, he gets his arm and leg broken by a crazy asshole that pretended to help him, making Killer believe that life could maybe get a bit better, but no, it was just an act.

He moved to the corner, groaning and whimpering in pain as he moved his sore body. 

While Killer was struggling Nightmare came closer with a soft smile. He crouched in front of Killer, suddenly handing him a beautiful bouquet while blushing like a mad man...

silence.... as they stared at each other, Killer shivering in the corner while Nightmare stared, still holding the flowers.... another few seconds passed by in silence when Nightmare finally snapped 

''TAKE THEM!!!''

He glares at Killer as he shouts, shoving the flowers into his face. Killer's trembling hand cautiously took the bouquet, unsure of Nightmare's sudden gesture. As the silence lingered, a whirlwind of fear and confusion filled him. Was this an apology?

 Nightmare's blushing face and intense stare only intensified the eerie atmosphere, leaving Killer on edge, unable to discern the true intention behind this bizarre interaction. The air crackled with unspoken tension, the room becoming a battleground of uncertain emotions and hidden motives.

Killer leaned back even more, he didn't know what to do. Begging would probably be useless since it does seem like Nightmare is.. in love? or maybe he's just crazy.

 ''I-I'm sorry, ok?'' Killer mumbles wanting to get as far away from here as he could, his body was still sore and it hurt every time he moved, even if the movement was small and gentle...

 Nightmare just tilted his head, still staring at Killer with crazy eyes ''no, no.. no need to apologize you did me a favor by coming here'' he said with a huge grin on his face when suddenly Killer's phone rang once again and both of their heads shoot towards the phone.

Diana's calling... Killer's heart drops as he realizes that people are probably looking for him, his little sister wondering why her brother isn't home yet... He can't even imagine how worried they are, how upset his mother will be after finding out that her son has disappeared, no one able to find him.

Nightmare stood up, heading towards the ringing phone with a pissed-off expression.

Stomping onto the phone until the ringing slowly stops and the room fills up with silence once again, the phone cracked and broken.

In the tense silence, Killer pleads, "Please, let me go. My family will be worried sick." Nightmare's conflicted expression hints of annoyance as he glances back at Killer who is still holding the flowers.

As Killer's phone beeps with Diana's texts, Nightmare is momentarily startled. Seeing an opportunity, Killer pleads once more, looking up at Nightmare with puppy eyes, his hand twitching in pain "You don't have to do this... I won't say a word."

Nightmare, however, seems unsatisfied. struggling between his twisted logic and the unexpected Killer's words provoke. "Shut up... this is all your fault for ever breaking into my house, now suffer the consequences" Nightmare's voice was stern and cold.

Killer stayed silent once more making Nightmare stare at him and sigh "But, don't worry sweetheart... I won't hurt you too much" he said leaning closely to caresse Killer's cheek, making him shiver in disgust and turn his head away, not willing that someone like Nightmare touches him.

He frowned at Killer's reaction, not liking that his ''lover'' was being so resistant. "Whatever" he mumbles and leaves the basements, locking the door behind him leaving Killer all alone once again.

Let's just hope that any time soon someone will arrive and rescue Killer.

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