What's that?..

345 17 9

{{november 13th}}

A whole week passed and me and Diana started working together in a part-time job just to earn the extra money. We both didn't get too much but it was enough to support our lifestyle and pay off my debt.

Things have just really changed after I met Nightmare, life has become a lot harder... today I was sitting in a cafe alone when suddenly it just felt like someone was staring at me, I looked around but didn't notice anyone, maybe it was a child?.

In any case, it was some sort of creepy pervert I called Diana and she came immediately, even tho she was here, I still felt like I was being watched. It was very uncomfortable and just made the atmosphere tense and creepy.

She looked around, but of course, she also didn't notice anyone, shrugging "Maybe it's nothing bad, you've been under a lot of stress lately, maybe you should take a break from work and take some rest" she says a soft smile and I nod..

"Yeah... " I say with a sigh and take a sip of my coffee " This is all so hard... I don't want to go to school anymore, I just don't have any time anymore, but at least I have good grades unlike those idiots" I say referring to the bullies in my class
"And it's impossible to pay off a debt of 4 million... I'm never gonna get such money in 3 months" I say, really thinking deeply about this. Me, my mother and Diana all work but it will never really be enough. All together we earn only 3 200 a month.

"Come on! Don't stress about it. When they see that you work and earn money they might as well expand your time. It's not possible for anyone to earn so much, so it would only make sense if they expended it" she explains, it was true it did make sense, but I still felt the pit of sand in my stomach, I couldn't even imagine what would happen if they wouldn't expand the time.

For the rest of the day, we kept talking about all sorts of things and when it became dark we finally said our goodbyes and went home.

I walk home in the cold looking down at my feet as I slowly drown in my thoughts, thinking about the money. I had to find a solution... I just had to!!!

But.. what if... what if I could just.....




Maybe that was my solution? it was easy but risky... Maybe, if I get lucky I might steal some gold and sell it for money. If only everyone had gold in their homes... when suddenly an idea popped into my head, there was a house down the street, they were SUPER rich and were rarely at home.
Maybe I could sneak in at night and steal a few things?

"This is stupid.." I mumble to myself and open my front door, stepping inside my warm and cozy house. I take off my coat and boots and walk around ''hello? mom?'' I shout out realizing that no one is home... maybe they just drove off to the store.

I shrugged it off and went to my room jumping into my bed and getting cozy. Maybe it was a good idea to go steal from those rich and selfish people? It's not like they would ever notice, right? I could break in the back door and quickly grab a few things, doesn't sound that hard...

So as the dumbass I am a grabbed a few things and left the house.

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