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[3rd pov]

Days have passed and no one in school has seen Killer, it was heartbreaking for Diana to see the seat next to her empty, knowing that there is a chance that Killer might never return.

She also felt horrible for his family, especially his little sister. Every single day Diana paid a visit to his house and helped his mother, Maria. She really did need a lot of help, the thought of your son disappearing or even dying is just drowning her mentally, but they still kept they're hopes up.

The news have spreaded everywhere and the whole town knows about the incident. the police also investigate the weird disappearance of Killer and have already questioned everyone in Killer's class, but they still have no clue on where he is.

Diana also tried to raise a fund for his family since now that there wasn't Killer, they didn't earn as much money as they did before.

Day after day Diana helped his family out, she didn't care about anything else, her job was to help Killers family and make Marias life easier.

Toady after school Diana and her friend Jessica both went to the library "how the hell did he just disappear like that? We were even hanging out in that day.." Diana says sighing loudly, this was so frustrating. "come on.. don't worry about that! He's smart, and whatever that has happened to him he will probably come back! Don't worry... " Jessica says hugging her tightly, it was a hard time for all of us, nothing like this has never happened in this town.

''yeah...'' she murmurs while hugging Jessica back, lets just hope that one day Killer comes back.

When suddenly an idea popped in her head "oh my god! What if I hack his phone to find his location?" She says sounding a bit excited by her cool idea, Diana was a master at hacking phones and stalking people, especially hot guys (;

Jessica immediately agreed and they both sat down in front of a computer. "Okey let's do this!" She says with confidence, typing down onto the computer while Jessica watched, impressed with her friends hacking skills.

Almost an hour has passed by and finally, they have found the location of Killers phone.

"what...Nightmares house?.." Diana mumbles while looking at the screen. "Huh.. why would he be there?.. wait, how the hell do you know that's Nightmares house?" Jessica asks, clearly confused. Diana has never even talked to Nightmare, and they aren't even close.

"well... I might have done a little bit of stalking~" Diana says with a cheeky smile and looks away. "But! That's not what matters right now. We should go find Killer and help him!" She says confidently and gets up, determined to find him.

They both get up and leave the library, as they walked out Diana spoke once again "so you're coming with me, right?"

"I can't... my little brother is home alone and I have to get there as soon as possible" Jessica complains with a loud groan, she sadly won't be able to help "well then, i guess i'm gonna go alone! wish me luck!!" Diana says confidently making her way out of here to go rescue her best friend.

"Be careful!" Jessica shouts, obviously very worried about her. If Killer somehow got kidnapped or Killed by Nightmare, there might be a chance that it would happen to Diana as well. But! Since they both know the location, Jessica can easily call the police if Diana disappears.

A while of walking has passed and Diana has finally made her way to Nightmares house. It was huge and luxurious. The house was completely dark, there were no signs of anyone, this was a perfect change for her to break in!

So Diana sneaked into the backyard and came over to the back door, luckily it was open, so she slowly creeks the door open and steps inside noticing that the house is really dark and quiet "...i can do this..." She mumbles to herself and walks around quietly. 

The house was so luxurious and stylish, there were a lot of room's and door's everywhere so it made it hard to find where exactly Killer is. When all of a sudden an unusual sound was heard from behind one of the doors. 

Diana slowly came closer, listening carefully. Maybe it was Killer?...

she slowly opens the door, scared of what might be in there. The door opened up widely and she looked inside, seeing a dark figure on the floor ''Killer?...'' she whispers while squinting her eyes

When all of a sudden the lights turn on, and she finally noticed Killer on the ground. She was so so relieved to see him... but... Killer didn't seem to think the same way, he was terrified...

''DIANA!'' he shouts

But it was already too late. Her throat was slit open. Making her fall to the ground to reveal Nightmare standing behind her, with a knife in his hand.

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