The end

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Killer was having a normal day as always. He woke up early this morning and went downstairs to the kitchen. He had to make his boyfriend some breakfasts and coffee, it was a routine he kind of enjoyed. 

Killer was standing in front of the counter cutting up some meat and throwing it into the pan. He has nothing to think of, he just had to finish cooking before Nightmare woke up. He quietly hummed to himself as he cooked the meat and cut up some salad.

The food was done in no time and right as Killer placed the plate onto the table, Nightmare walked in with a grin on his face ''good morning~'' he mumbled walking up to Killer, hugging him from behind while giving him light kisses on the neck. Giving him affection and love as an appreciation for the food.

 He sits down by the table and immediately starts eating, he always enjoyed the food Killer made ''mm~ this is so tasty, thank you so much darling...'' Nightmare says in a low whisper and continues eating.

Killer just smiles softly in response, happy that Nightmare enjoyed his food. He looked down at his tea wondering what they might do today.

''now, I will be driving off to work after a few hours so when I come back I want you to be ready in bed, but go take a shower and shave first'' Nightmare says casually absolutely not caring about Killers opinion. He was really... shocked.. it's early in the morning and Nightmare is already talking and commanding for some intimacy. 

Killer just simply nodded and looked down at his tea he didn't have a choice, but was that all Nightmare ever wanted? Killer would be very.. very happy if Nightmare would at least want to just cuddle or watch a movie or maybe even go to a park, but no, he has to fuck him every single day... 

A pretty long time passed by and finally Nightmare was ready to go to work, he said his goodbye and left. Leaving Killer in the house all alone. Killer finally had his free time and could do whatever he wanted... but he just wasn't in the mood. He was sick and tired of all of this work, torture, and suffering. 

So, Killer decided to go to the guest room and take a nap, he didn't want Nightmare to find him immediately.


And after 6 hours Nightmare made his way back home, he couldn't wait for what was gonna happen. He parked his car in front of the garage and went inside. ''Honey, I'm home!'' he shouts while taking off his boots and coat. The house was surprisingly really quiet, and Nightmare assumed that Killer was taking a shower or sleeping.

So, Nightmare walked around the house checking each room, when he realized that Killer was nowhere to be seen, he started to panic, ''KILLER!!'' He walked around when he finally remembered. Killer liked to hide and sleep in the guest room, so that's where Nightmare headed. he opened the door and looked inside.

and there he was, his lifeless body hanging from the ceiling with a rope around its neck.


And that's exactly why you should never force somebody into a relationship.


I am SO sorry to end this story so quickly, I don't have any more ideas and motivation for this book, so I decided to end it as fast as I could. 

For those who did not see my comment/message in the previous part, I will be saying this here.. again. So, I will be writing a new book with this same ship and hopefully, it will be a LOT longer then this one (it probably will be bc I'm kind of gonna make it slow burn). I already have made the book cover and have a lot of ideas for it!! so it will be published very soon.

So, those who enjoyed this book and want to read the next one can follow me for future updates. thank you all for reading this book and supporting me!! <3

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