day two...

281 12 7

[November 16th]

(Killer's POV)

I was sitting on the ground, thinking of a way to escape from this nightmare. I have been alone for a while and I have no idea how much time has passed, there is no window nor clock.

As I sat there thinking I looked down at my leg, noticing it was becoming purple and swollen. This was completely awful and I was in really bad condition, there was no way I could escape with these injuries.

I sigh loudly and look down at the flowers Nightmare gave me, they were slowly dying.

I still can't figure out why the hell Nightmare gave me those, yeah, he probably has some kind of obsession but then why would he break my limbs?... maybe that was some kinda weird fetish.

But, that doesn't matter. I should be worrying about more important stuff than this.
I also had no idea where the hell Nightmare was, the house was completely quiet for multiple hours.

But while I was trying to relax I heard light footsteps in the house that slowly became louder until they finally reached the door. It was probably Nightmare.

A loud click was heard from the door and it creeks open, and Nightmare enters
"I decided to pay you a small visit," he says happily moving towards me with a huge grin on his face.

Suddenly his gaze fell on my injured leg and he crouched down to get a better look.

I immediately pulled my leg a bit closer, groaning in the process, but he just grabbed onto my ankle and straightened my leg with force. ''Agh-''

My body started shaking in pain as it felt like someone was pulling the bones out of my leg. Nightmare didn't seem to care, he just wanted to see the damage he caused. I still don't know his intentions and can't even predict his next moves.

He gently pokes my leg, seeming to try and see what has happened with the bone and where it has moved. It hurt so damn much. I tried not to shout and show any weaknesses.

"S-stop... stop" I mumble while closing my eyes tightly trying to block off the pain, but he continued poking  deeper into my skin... I lay there whimpering and crying in pain when finally he stopped.

"Don't be such a crybaby, I'm here to help" he says, clearly annoyed.

While I was trembling on the cold ground he went to the other side of the basement and grabbed some bandages and other medical stuff, to probably treat my injuries.

And I was right, as he came back to me again he started bandaging my leg, surprisingly his touch was very gentle and soft. I was surprised that he even decided to treat me.


After this small meeting of ours, nothing special has happened. He visited me a few times a week. Each time he tended to my injuries, it felt okay at first. He was gentle when he bandaged my leg, but then he started acting strange. He'd grab my arm and try to get too close, wanting me to kiss him or touch him. I didn't know how to handle it, so I just pretended it wasn't happening. I was scared that if I said something, it might make things worse. But it made me uncomfortable, and I felt stuck not knowing what to do...

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