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     Killer looked up at Nightmare, terrified..  he started backing away feeling his heart beat faster each second, not believing that Nightmare will actually beat him like this... he didn't really do anything wrong, right?..

Killer was completely speechless as he watched Nightmare slide his belt out of his pants, folding it in half "No no!! I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry... I'll kiss you, i promise!!" He begs backing up slightly, his back aching from the fall and his hands shaking in fear.

Nightmare was still pissed off, his grip tightened on the belt as he stared down at Killer, unsure if he should hurt the smaller boy, but he couldn't resist his anger.

''you think you can do whatever you want?!'' Nightmare shouts kicking Killer on the side, making him groan in pain ''ill show you what happens...''

And with that, Nightmare swinged his leathered belt hitting Killers back, not one.. not two, but 20 times a row. every time the belt hit Killers back a scream of agony and pain filled the room, he cried and begging but it was all useless. He just laid on the floor completely helpless and weak as he wiggled and twitched in pain.

''...AGH-...sto-..'' Killer manages to say as he hopped that he could beg his way out of this punishment. But Nightmare ignored him and continued with the beating, Killers vision blurred and his back bled more and more from each hit. His body finally giving up as he slowly lost consciousness and fainted...

As Nightmare was ready for another round, his anger vanished quickly as he noticed Killers lack of movement. He crouching down in front of the injured boy wanting to figure out what had happened. ''... baby?...'' he whispers noticing Killers shallow breathing. He wasn't expecting Killer to pass out from a few hits, but he is a pretty small little guy so it wasn't really surprising. ''hey.. I'm not done with you..'' he says giving him a small nudge.

Nightmare shook Killers motionless body trying to wake him up, but after a while of trying nothing changed. A loud sigh escapes from Nightmares lips as he sat down by the kitchen table and looked down at Killer, not even bothered to take him to bed or treat his injuries. 

''lets just hope you listen after this.. Wouldn't want to be hurt like this again would you?.. '' he mumbles while looking down at Killer. A small smirk appearing on his face, he's so happy a cute boy like Killer is his boyfriend. He cant wait for more intimate moments, but since he isn't THAT bad, he will wait until Killer himself feels comfortable enough to go through such special moment. 

Nightmare just sat around and waited for Killer to wake up, a few hours passed by and killer finally started making movements and opened his eyes. He was groaning quietly looking for any signs of Nightmare, his vision slightly blurry as he looked around and slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position. He felt a sharp pain in his back, a reminder of what had happened, the beating was one of the most horrible things he has experienced. 

''look who's awake..'' Nightmares voice was heard from across the room, Killer gaze slowly turning towards the abuser. He was scared that Nightmare might continue what he had started.

but Nightmare just calmly came closer and crouched in front of Killer, his cheeks having a slight tint of red as he leaned closer and kissed Killer, he wanted to pull away so badly but he was scared to. He didn't want the punishment to repeat... it was too painful...

They both kissed for a while and finally pulled away, Nightmare having a huge grin on his face as he blushed and stared at Killer... how can he be so happy after beating Killer up to unconsciousness?...

Killer looked away trying to avoid eye contact ''...you wanna sleep?'' he asks with a smile and tilts his head it, looking at Killer with adore. It was getting pretty late.

Killer just nodded silently feeling uncomfortable about the weird tension between them, and without any other word Nightmare picked up Killer and took him to his room.

When they finally arrived he placed Killers sore body on the bed, this time Nightmare hopping in as well, joining Killer. His hands unexpectedly moved around Killer's body, wanting a little affection but Killer kept flinching in pain and tried moving away.. ''come on, don't be so dramatic.'' Nightmare mumbles rolling his eyes, he lifts up Killers shirt to take a look at his back, there's no way it was that bad. 

but as Nightmare lifted the shirt, his eyes widened when he saw the dark bruises and wounds all over Killers back, some of them bleeding. He didn't know he was being that rough... He left so much ugly scars on Killers perfect body. Nightmare looked closer, not believing that the bruises were that bad. 

He started to feel a bit guilty, not for hurting Killer, but for littering his body with scars. Now, he's not as cute as he used to be. 

Nightmare gently stroked Killers back with his hand, not believing what he has done.

''I'm so sorry baby..''

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