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Nightmare was pissed, Killer didn't really do a thing but he felt the need to punish him. 

Killer was scared, his leg hurt as he was forced to walk quickly. He got dragged to the living room, his legs shaking violently.

While Killer was struggling to stand straight Nightmare looked at the stairs, a punishment already in mind, but as he thought for a while he came up with a much better idea.

''come here'' he mumbles under his breath and drags Killer towards the door, dropping him onto the floor, treating killer like a dog once again. He throws a jacket towards Killer and gets dressed himself. 

Nightmare was acting aggressive again, he kept getting mad over such small things even though he sort of loved Killer. Nightmare does apologize for his horrible behavior but that doesn't really change anything. If only Nightmare didn't have such anger issues 

Suddenly Killer was lifted up in the air being taken outside to the car, he had no idea what Nightmare wanted to do but it didn't seem like he was going to be beating him up again. He placed Killer in the car and hopped inside himself, turning on the engine and beginning to drive.

Killer sat there nervously, avoiding eye contact as he looked down at his lap and fidgeted with his fingers, he really REALLY didn't want to get hurt again.


After 10 minuets they unexpectedly stopped by a big grocery store, Killer expected the ride to be longer and didn't really think Nightmare would take him here. Did he forgive Killer? or will he punish him here? He had so many questions.

Nightmare turned his head towards Killer and finally spoke ''now, we will both happily go buy some food and I'm hopping you could keep that mouth of yours shut so i don't get into any trouble'' he warns giving Killer a stern look. He just nodded back and they both got out of the car, this time Killer had to walk by himself. 

They made their way into the store, Killer was struggling a lot. His leg kept shaking and he couldn't catch up to Nightmare. He looked around the store, it was loud and crowdy, he hasn't seen people for so long... He was honestly so happy to be out here, but he was also in a lot of pain...

''hey! follow me, ye?'' Nightmare says in an annoyed tone, snapping Killer back to reality ''oh.. yeah..'' he mumbles under his breath and follows Nightmare. They kept walking non stop, Killer didn't get any chance to rest. Once he could he stood on one leg or held onto some shelfs, it was a real nightmare and he hopped their trip would end soon.

As the walk around the store continued Killer noticed that Nightmare was walking around to the store in circles, making Killers route a lot longer on purpose.

''Nightmare... please stop'' Killer mumbles and stops for a bit, breathing heavily. Nightmare wanted to continue walking but Killer didn't seem to be able to continue with this punishment ''c'mon baby, just a bit more'' Nightmare whispers to Killer, starting to feel a little bit guilty.

From pity Nightmare decided to end this punishment faster and they both went to the cashier and checked out, they finally left the store and Killer got to sit down in the car, a sigh of relief escapes his lips as he was finally able to rest his injured leg.

This ''punishment'' wasn't the worst but it was surly really painful, when suddenly Killer realized... HE COULD HAVE ASKED FOR HELP... he was in a store full of POEPLE and didn't imagine to ask for help at all...

Killer cringed at himself as they both drove home...

now he's stuck with Nightmare for even longer...

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