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Nightmare leaned in close laying his head on Killers shoulder, taking in his scent. ''I'm sorry.. please promise me you'll never do that again...'' he whispers, for some reason he decided to blame Killer, its his fault for not accepting a little bit of love. Nightmare was just trying be nice but Killer just pushed him away.

He stayed silent, not seeing the need to answer. Nightmare stayed in the same position and continued to hug his partner lovingly. It was really uncomfortable but Killer was too scared to do anything. Nightmares hand gently continued to stoke his back, even though Nightmare was barely touching him, it still hurt a lot.

They both hugged for a while and Nightmare then decided that they will be sleeping together. He grabbed a hold of the smaller boy and laid down. While Killer was shifting uncomfortably Nightmare hugged him tightly and pressed Killers head against his chest. Killer felt really uncomfortable, Nightmare was TOO close.

There was an awkward silence as they both tried to fall asleep, Killer did everything he could to ignore Nightmare, but it was really hard. He kept playing with Killers hair and placed small kisses on top of his head, being really caring and affectionate.

And thankfully after a long while Killer finally managed to fall asleep, he couldn't stand this anymore. 

The next morning he woke up all alone in bed, his eyes scanned the room trying to figure out where Nightmare was. And luckily for him, Nightmare was no where in sight. 

Killer sighed in relief and sat up, his back still burning in pain. This was awful, he can never predict what Nightmare might do next, in one moment he's all loving and caring and in the other he's beating the shit out of Killer.

He sat on the edge of the bed and placed his legs down onto the floor, it didn't hurt as much as it used to, maybe it healed?... He took a deep breath and stood up on both his legs while holding onto the bed frame. He was so surprised when he realized his leg has almost healed, it only hurt a little bit. 

Killer smiled to himself as he took a few steps, maybe he could finally escape? When suddenly Nightmare barged into the room making Killer fall to the ground. Nightmare looked a bit relieved, but also annoyed ''you can walk...?'' he asks walking up to Killer while looking down at his almost healed up leg... 

He was a bit nervous not knowing if Nightmare will be mad about this or not.. will he brake his leg again?. ''...yeah.. a little bit'' Killers whispers while looking away, avoiding eye contact. Nightmare was a bit suspicious, but he tried not to think about it. ''can you walk to the kitchen by yourself or do i have to take you there?..'' he asks sounding a little bit concerned.

Killer though for a while, if he starts walking again he might not heal completely. So how much he disliked this, he decided to allow Nightmare to help him ''...take me there.. please'' he mumbles embarrassed by the request. 

As Nightmare heard Killers response he nodded and picked him up taking him down towards the kitchen. Killer got placed by the table, a hot bowl of soup already in front of him.

Killer looked down at his bowl. The same chicken soup as yesterday?.. no thanks... but since he doesn't really have a choice, i guess he just had to eat it. 

After a while of eating, Killer didn't seem to be able to finish. It was a bit too much for a little guy like him ''come on eat it all, I'm not gonna throw it out'' Nightmare says sounding a bit mad. Killer took a glance at the soup and ate a little more but he just couldn't finish it all ''i cant.. its too much..'' he mumbles looking down at his lap, embarrassed. 

For some reason Nightmare became really mad again, even if it was just a little bit of food. He roughly grabbed a hold of Killers arm and pulled him up from the chair making him stand up on his feet. 

''You gonna waste my food like that huh!? Ill show you what happens when you decide to be such a ungrateful brat!'' 

He shouts, dragging Killer out of the kitchen.

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