My hero

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                       As the guys step in front of us my friend immediately starts to defend me "oi! Get out the way you dickheads!" She says in a very stern tone protecting me like the shield she is, but the guys just brush it off and laughed

The leader of the stupid pack finally started talking with a nasty smirk on his face "Well look who it is, the little know-it-all" he sneered, aiming that insult directly at me.

But as he stared at me, I had a gut feeling that he was gonna do more than attack me with his words...

And I was right, before I even knew it he snatched my glasses and held them above his head... the humiliation hit me like a tsunami of bricks, this was so... embarrassing...

"Give them back you jerk!" She shouts and tries to take the glasses back... I stood there like a prisoner watching as if I couldn't do anything to defend myself...

The bully laughed out loud "Look at that blind fool! Can't see a thing now, eh?" He says and sticks his tongue out, but suddenly a cold voice was heard behind them "Give back those damn glasses before I rip your limbs apart"

The mysterious man says leaving the bully surprised, a tense silence hung in the air as the bully slowly turned around to see the new student.. he was so damn tall and muscular to the part where it was starting to look scary...

Caught off guard, the bully hesitantly gave back my glasses and fled with his minions following behind him.

"I'm Nightmare, nice to meet you," he says with a soft smile as he gives both of us a handshake, I could feel my friend shaking in excitement as she finally met the "hot" guy she was dreaming about this whole damn morning.

"It seems like those guys are pretty troublesome, but don't worry they won't touch you when I'm around" he informs and I give a suspicious nod "Yeah.. um, I'm Killer. Uh, thank you for your help" I mumble feeling embarrassed again. "And I'm Diana!!" She says excitedly making Nightmare chuckle at her reaction and tone of speaking. 

''well then, it's very nice to meet you two but I have to leave for the next class. I hope nothing like that happens to you again'' Nightmare says staring me down with a pretty creepy look, and then just left... That was a bit odd but I was very glad that he helped me in such a hard situation.

A couple of seconds passed by as we both stayed silent and thought to ourselves.. ''cafe after school?'' she suddenly asked ''sure''

((lets do a small time skip  ~after classes~))

            Finally, the boring classes had ended and I didn't have to suffer any longer, I waited outside for Diana and we both went to a cafe that was nearby. We both wanted to talk about what happened and of course, gossip a little. The whole way we stayed silent and thought about what to say.  Immediately as we sat down we started talking ''he was a bit creepy honestly, you were right... I wonder why he looked at you like that, maybe he likes you?'' she guesses and sips the coffee she bought 

''ugh! I don't think so... I don't want to be rude since he kind of helped us but yeah he did act a bit strange when he saw me, maybe he thought that we met before?'' I guess and she shrugs ''Maybe, but we don't have to worry about that since he doesn't go in our class... but he's still cute!'' she says kicking her legs slightly...

I giggled softly at her reaction then really thought about it, have I ever met that man before? This was making me feel a bit weird but I also didn't want to worry too much since he helped me and seemed pretty sweet.

While we were talking suddenly I got a message from a unknown number so I opened it up and read it...

''Urgent Action Required - Unpaid Balance

Dear Killer,

We're reaching out one final time regarding the outstanding balance on your account.

account Number: [account number]  4 000 050$ outstanding (in dept)

balance:  12 951$

Immediate resolution is essential. Failure to address this within 3 months may result in further actions. We're here to assist in finding a solution. Please contact us at [phone number] to discuss options. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated.''

I felt my heart drop to the stomach as I read the message, the ugly truth coming back to its surface as I remembered the reason why this was like this, why my life was all messed up.

''hey.... it's fine, I'll work with you and we could earn double'' she murmurs and hugs me, she was the only friend that wanted to help me....

''That sounds great...''

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